HDSI Annual Report 2021–2022

MA CI HL IE ES VT OE MN EE SN T+ S HARVARD DATA SCIENCE REVIEW INAUGURAL VOLUME (ISSUE 1.1, SUMMER 2019) Harvard Data Science Review (HDSR) operates as an open ac- cess platform of the Harvard Data Science Initiative. The HDSR is dedicated to sharing foundational thinking, research milestones, educational inno- vations, and major applications, in addition to emphasizing data science as a globally impactful, multidisciplinary field.



Since the release of the Inaugural Volume in 2019, HDSR publishes four regular issues per year, plus special issues. The HDSR aims to serve as a new and unique digital platform that reflects the synergistic nature of data sci- ence and provides a crossroads at which fundamental data sci- ence research and education in- tersect with societally important applications from industry, gov- ernments, NGOs, and others.

NAMED BEST NEW JOURNAL IN JANUARY 2021! HDSR started 2021 on a very high note with the exciting news that it won the American Association of Publishers’ 2021 PROSE Award for Best New Journal in Science, Technology & Medicine. The annual PROSE Awards re - cognize the very best in profes- sional and scholarly publishing by celebrating landmark works that have been significant ad - vancements in their respective fields of study each year.

As an open access platform of the Harvard Data Science Ini- tiative, Harvard Data Science Review features foundational thinking, research milestones, educational innovations, and major applications, with a pri- mary emphasis on reproducibi- lity, replicability, and readability. It aims to publish content that help define and shape data scien - ce as a scientifically rigorous and globally impactful multidis- ciplinary field based on the prin - cipled and purposed production, processing, parsing, and analy-

sis of data. By uniting the streng- ths of a premier research journal, a cutting-edge educational publi- cation, and a popular magazine, HDSR provides a crossroads at which fundamental data science research and education intersect directly with societally impor- tant applications from industry, governments, NGOs, and others. By disseminating inspiring, in- formative, and intriguing arti- cles and media materials, HDSR aspires to be a global forum on everything data science and data science for everyone .


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