” hdsr partnerships THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING STATISTICS + THE COLERIDGE INITIATIVE CO-HOSTED SYMPOSIUM WITH IOM + UNHCR IN MAY 2021 In May 2021, HDSR co-hosted a 3-day virtual global event, World Migration & Displacement Sym- posium: Data, Disinformation and Human Mobility, with the Inter- national Organization for Migra- tion (IOM) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Across the three days, the event featured high-level speakers from three organizations as well as guests from industry, NGOs, and academia who contributed to the conversation on the themes of disinformation, vulnerable po- pulations, and COVID-19. The event concluded with a vir- tual Fireside Chat with Founding Editor-in-Chief Xiao-Li Meng and IOM Director General António Vi- torino. In January 2022, HDSR published a special collection of articles to enable further discussion of the work that came out of the sympo- sium. The guest editors represen- ted both partnering UN organiza- tions. The HDSR Podcast aims to show news, policy, and business throu- gh the lens of data science. Each episode is a ‘case study’ into how data is used to lead, mislead, ma- nipulate, and inform the impor- tant decisions facing us today. Topics have ranged from heal- thcare data, the future of AI, and dating apps, to sports analytics, pollsters, and the wine industry. 40% of podcast listeners reside outside of the United States. LAUNCHED MONTHLY PODCAST IN FEBRUARY 2021 Harvard President Larry Bacow “Data science opens up thrilling possibilities for understanding and shaping the world, and HDSR offers a powerful platform for sharing those possibilities with an increasingly wide readership.”
AWARDED SLOAN FOUNDATION GRANT IN NOVEMBER 2021 HDSR ’s funding request of $50,000 to support the print and online publication of its forthco- ming special issue titled “Diffe- rential Privacy for the 2020 U.S. Census: Can We Make Data Both Private and Useful? ” was appro- ved by the Alfred P. Sloan Foun - dation in November 2021.
EDITORIAL + STAFFING CHANGES IN JULY 2021–JANUARY 2022 On July 1, 2021, HDSI faculty Co- Chairs Francesca Dominici and David Parkes became Interim Co-Editors-in-Chief for HDSR while Founding Editor-in-Chief Xiao-Li Meng stepped away for a much-needed sabbatical. A new roster of co-editors re- presenting major areas of data science have been appointed by David and Francesca as well as a number of new associate edi- tors. Amara Deis joined HDSR as the new editorial and administrati- ve coordinator in January 2022, succeeding Paige Sammartino, who left the previous August to attend school full time.
sing new data, products and use resulting from recent data in- vestments. The speakers, who are experts from social science and computer science, discus- sed how new ways of connec- ting and linking data can ad- vance the empirical basis of our understanding of the value of science. A special theme of papers based on the conference will be pub- lished in HDSR’ s forthcoming spring issue (4.2), due out in late April, 2022.
In June 2021, HDSR and HDSI co-hosted the Value of Science: Data Products and Use Conferen - ce with Coleridge Initiative and the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. The Value of Science: Data, Pro - ducts & Use Conference is inten- ded to advance understanding of the value of data by showca-
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