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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca MAYOR LEFEBVRE SEES BRIGHT FUTURE FOR HAWKESBURY said, referring to similar eco-centre setups in Québec and other jurisdictions.
SFWJUBMJ[JOHUIFUPXOT.BJO4USFFUEJTUSJDU Lefebvre noted there are many opportunities to attract new businesses into the downtown BSFB XIJDIXJMMBMTPIFMQTVQQPSUFYJTUJOH businesses by encouraging more people to shop downtown. He indicated that Le Chenail Boulevard can prove a great asset in that regard. The boulevard can serve as an alternate SPVUFGPSUSBGàDXIFOUIFUPXOXBOUTUP IBWFUFNQPSBSZDMPTVSFTGPS.BJO4USFFUUP allow festivals and other special events to take place that will also help promote the downtown as a place for people to go in Hawkesbury. “If we can create those kind of venues,” he said, “then they will also help attract other CVTJOFTTFTUPàMM WBDBOU TQBDFTUIFSFu .BZPS-FGFWFCSFJOEJDBUFEUIBU)BXLFT - bury council needs to encourage more resi- EFOUJBMEFWFMPQNFOU.PSFIPVTJOHBWBJMBCMF will encourage both more people and more businesses to relocate to Hawkesbury.
The mayor noted that Hawkesbury resi- dents have demonstrated their support for SFDZDMJOH#VUIFXBOUTUPFYQBOEPOXIBU the town is already doing in its efforts to GPMMPXUIF5ISFF3TPGFDPMPHJDBMSFTQPOTJ - CJMJUZ3FEVDF 3FVTF 3FDZMF .PSFEFWFMPQNFOUPGDPNNVOJUZHSFFOT - pace, including neighbourhood parks is also on Lefebvre’s to-do list during his mayoral mandate. “Our parks are important,” he said, noting how much more important Hawkesbury’s FYJTUJOHHSFFOTQBDFBSFBTCFDBNFEVSJOH UIFQBOEFNJDBTBTPVSDFPGJOFYQFOTJWF outdoor recreation use by many residents. Hawkesbury’s new mayor also looks forward to him and council “working closely” with the Hawkesbury Business Improvement Area Commission de la Zone d’amélioration DPNNFSDJBMFEF)BXLFTCVSZ #*"$0.;"$ on projects and programs to assist with
Hawkesbury’s new mayor foresees a bright and promising future for the town. “I think there are great things in the GVUVSFGPS)BXLFTCVSZ uTBJE.BZPS3PCFSU Lefebvre, during a phone interview prior to the Christmas break. .BZPS-FGFCWSFFYQSFTTFEDPOàEFODF that the new council will be able to work very well with administration on dealing with day-to-day issues for the municipality and also to develop programs and projects for both necessary and desired improvements for the town. 3FGFSSJOHUPUIFFOWJSPONFOUBMJTTVFT plank of his own election campaign platform, .BZPS-FGFCWSFJOEJDBUFEIFXPVMEMJLFUP see Hawkesbury develop its own eco-centre where residents can bring various items for recycling or reclamation. i*UTTPNFUIJOHUIBUFYJTUTFMTFXIFSF uIF
Le maire Robert Lefevbre envisage un nouvel avenir brillant pour Hawkesbury. —photo d’archives
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
UFOBOUTPGUIF3FTJEFODFIBWFNPWFEJOUP the new building, there is still a long waiting list of people already looking to move there too. 3BUIFSUIBOEFQFOEPOUIF3FTJEFOF as a possible future home for any of East )BXLFTCVSZTTFOJPST ,JSCZXPVMEMJLFUIF municipality to have a small-sized retirement home of its own. “I’d like to see something like what Van- LMFFL)JMMIBT u,JSCZTBJE SFGFSSJOHUPUIF 7BOLMFFL.BOPSi4PNFUIJOHGPSTFOJPSTXIP
are able to care for themselves and who would like to live in an apartment.” The mayor hopes that either or both of the senior levels of government will include àOBODJBMBJEQSPHSBNTJOUIFJSGVUVSFCVEHFUT for rural municipalities seeking to develop small-sized senior retirement facilities. .BZPS,JSCZBMTPMPPLTGPSXBSEJO to the start of the Enbridge Gas natural HBTQJQFMJOFFYUFOTJPOJOUPUIF7JMMBHFPG Chute-à-Blondeau.
If East Hawkesbury Township Mayor Robert Kirby could have just one wish for the new year it would be more financial help from the senior governments for rural infrastructure needs. i*XPVMEMJLFUPTFFTPNFàOBODJBMIFMQ GPSSPBET u.BZPS,JSCZTBJEEVSJOHBQIPOF interview before the Christmas break. “I like to get some paving done a bit at a time every year. I’d also like to see our new community DFOUSFGPS4U&VHÍOFCVJMUu .BZPS,JSCZJTBMTPMPPLJOHBIFBEBUUIF issue of affordable housing for seniors. He sees that as an important topic for council and township administration to start thin- king about as the municipality’s population demographic of older residents increases. $PNQMFUJPOPGUIFOFX1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM 3FTJEFODFPO4QFODF4USFFUJO)BXLFTCVSZ should happen by the end of 2023 or 2024. The long-term care residence is operated CZUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM
6$13 BOEXJMMIBWFNPSFSPPNGPSNPSF occupants compared to the old facility on Cartier Boulevard. But even after the present Le maire du canton de Hawkesbury-Est, Robert Kirby, espère que les gouvernements provincial et fédéral fourniront davantage d’aide financière aux petites municipalités comme la sienne pour leur permettre d’apporter les améliorations nécessaires à leurs infrastructures. —photo d’archives
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Les maires de Prescott-Russell pour- raient envisager, à l’avenir, de modifier ou non le système de vote enregistré pour le conseil des comtés. Lors de sa séance inaugurale du 23 novembre, le nouveau conseil des Comtés VOJTEF1SFTDPUUFU3VTTFMM $613 BSFÉV un rapport d’introduction de l’administration FYQMJRVBOUMFGPODUJPO - OFNFOUEVTZTUÍNFEF vote enregistré. Le vote enregistré est utilisé à la demande d’un ou de plusieurs maires siégeant au conseil EFT $613 TVS EFT RVFTUJPOTDPOTJEÊSÊFT DPNNFDSJUJRVFTQPVS l’ensemble des comtés PVQPVSMVOFEFTNVOJDJQBMJUÊTEFT$613ø La majorité des décisions du conseil des $613DPODFSOBOUMBQQSPCBUJPOEFTSÍHMF - ments, les dépenses d’investissement et EBVUSFTRVFTUJPOTTPOUUSBJUÊFTQBSVOWPUF ÆMBNBKPSJUÊTJNQMFEVDPOTFJM EBOTMFRVFM chacun des huit maires dispose d’une seule WPJY QPVSPVDPOUSF-FWPUFFOSFHJTUSÊFTU VUJMJTÊQPVSMFTRVFTUJPOTFYDFQUJPOOFMMFTø Les votes nominatifs
Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number. Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 613-632-4155 • 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383
seul vote inscrit, car sa population était inférieure à 3 000 personnes, selon le plus récent recense- ment, lors de la EFSOJÍSFSÊWJTJPO de la formule de WPUFJOTDSJUø Hawkesbury, le
BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President bertrand@eap.on.ca YVAN JOLY Directeur des ventes Sales director yvan@eap.on.ca
United Counties of Prescott- Russell council asked administration to prepare a detailed report on the registered vote system used for critical issue decisions
GREGG CHAMBERLAND Rédacteur en chef intérim Acting Editor-in-Chief gregg.chamberland@eap.on.ca GILLES NORMAND Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. gilles.normand@eap.on.ca MARCO BLAIS Infographie et prépresse / Layout & Prepress infographie@eap.on.ca Publicité • Advertising: yvan@eap.on.ca
canton de Champlain et le canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet ont chacun trois votes inscrits en fonction de leur population ; la municipalité EF-B/BUJPOFOBRVBUSFMBNVOJDJQBMJUÊEF $BTTFMNBOFOBEFVYMFDBOUPOEF3VTTFMM FOBTJYMB$JUÊEF$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEFO BTFQUø -FDPOTFJMEFT$613BBQQSPVWÊVOFSF - commandation pour un rapport plus détaillé TVSMBDPOàHVSBUJPOEFTWPUFTFOSFHJTUSÊT
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