King's Business - 1947-07

THE WISE LITTLE BIRD SBS Teaches children to know and choose the right. “ Wise Little Bird'’ is a gripping story o f a bird protecting its mate and nest, presenting the Gospel in a very unique manner. Suitable for Grade or Pre-school children. Beauti­ fully colored kodachrome slides— 10 o f them in glass binders with illustrated color booklet, $6.00. TABERNACLE SLIDES Through tho IAS

A series of flannel* object lessons teaching Bible truths to junior-in­ termediate boys and girls. K77 Animate year words with CHRISTIAN’S TWO NATURES

A lso available immediately . . . "Bsrnsy’s Barrsl," 15 slltfts and accompanying booklet, $9.00. “ Uttls Boat Twlct Ownsd," 10 slid,» and accompanying booklat, $6.00. Slides are not sold without illustrated booklet. GOSPEL SLIDE & FILM SERVICE, 923 South lyo Stroot, Tacoma 3, Washington •SENDNOMONEY: W e mail the slides and booklet' to you for 5 days private preview.

* 8 pag.s oí colorad cut-outs ★ 12 lesson topics *10 -p ago lesson booklet

Available at most religious bookstores ot SCRIPTURE PRESS chi»g. to. ».

Pray regularly for the King's Business, that its message may be used of God

Right, leaders of the nevt church in Chile. Left, he is waiting for the light. Will you toss the torch to him in darkest Africa?

“ 2 £ a b o r * r s S o x j e t f y e r W i t t y W H ILE The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions stands heartily committed to the Reformed faith; yet members of five different denominations hold mem­ bership upon it; and individual members of many denominations bear it up in prayer and contribute to its support.

His existence. His sovereignty, the sufficiency of the atonement of Christ, the integrity of the Scrip­ tures, the necessity of a Christian life of purity and separation,under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to the swift-coming return of Our Blessed Lord. Thus exalting those firm convic­ tions of spiritual truth and fact, of righteousness and Godly living, which, when they have been upheld, have ever made the Christian Church truly great at home and in foreign lands; we continue to build that united Christ - centered testimony which is the outstanding need of our day. Founded upon the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture, truly “ the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it!”

You GET A N IN C O M E for life Yes, you give greatly—and receive greatly— when you join the thousands of holders of American Bible Society Annuity Agreements. As long as you live, you receive a generous check at regular intervals throughout the year, and such checks have never failed in the more than 100 years of the Annuity Plan operation. At the same time you receive the abiding happiness of knowing that you share in the glorious work of distributing the Scriptures throughout the world, bringing joy and hope to the needy, the lonely, the distressed. Investigate this great Annuity Plan at once. Learn how it provides generously for your future security or the comfort of a loved one, and how it entitles you to certain tax exemp­ tions. Send today without fail for the interest­ ing booklet, “ A Gift That Lives!’ Mail this coupon today! American Bible Society, • -430 Park Ave., New York 22, N. Y. I 1 G Please send me, without obligation, yOur I 2 booklet KB*92 entitled “ A Gift That Lives!’ ! a I enclose $----- - for the world-wide distribu- I on of the Scriptures. | Name. ........, ............................ ....... I 1 A ddress ___..................... ............... -.... J \City~~.~ ............... ..........— Stato. _________ I

The work thus becomes a u n ify ­ ing force centering around Christ, the world’s only redeemer— a rally­ ing point for all Bible-believing Christians. W e are “ laborers together — with God.” The Board believes itself in line with the great redemptive purposes of God when it holds aloft, in these end-times of apostasy and spiritual declension, a faithful testimony to

Cod is answering our prayers with a rapidly enlarging ministry. W ill you fellowship with us in petition, in life service, or as the Lord may lead you? For full informa­ tion, address The General Secretary, Dept. K77

f o r P R E S B Y T E R I A N F O R E I G N M I S S I O N S

t C e Independent Board

151 Maplewood Avenue

Philadelphia 44, Pa., U. S. A.

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