King's Business - 1947-07


25 Years

More than seven out of every ten voters polled by the American Institute of Public Opinion believe another war is likely within twenty- five years. Half of these go even farther and think that it may come within ten years. All of those inter­ viewed exhibit an extremely nervous attitude about present world condi­ tions, and the majority feels that Steps should be taken immediately to insure the adequacy of our na­ tional defenses. Two statements from the Scrip­ tures should be considered in this Connection. First, the words of Christ pimself who declared that wars and rumors of wars are to be expected iluring this age. During the absence of the King of kings, there will never >e an extended period of peace. On ;he other hand, it is not likely that mother war will come when men ind nations are expecting it. Rather, wars begin when men are loudly oroclaiming peace. Reasons r|$ Much publicity has been given to the story of Clare Boothe Luce’s joining the Catholic church. But the pause for this move, as reported in McCall’s, reveals how completely de­ void of spiritual understanding one can be. The reasons given are many and varied and Mrs. Luce declares that she is not sure herself if there was one real reason. Obviously, she does not understand Roman Catholic doctrine as evidenced by her use of the Protestant terms “the gift of faith by grace." { On the other hand, attention has been called to the stories of four Roman Catholic priests who recently became ministers in Protestant de­ nominations. These stories appeared In the March issue of the Converted dtholic and have a genuine ring of ruth, telling of wholly spiritual con- ersions. heaper War has always been the most illogical and nonsensical, as well as the most brutal, exercise in history. For instance, the cost of making the first two atomic bombs was two bil­ lion dollars. This amount could have kept 10,000 missionaries on the field for a period of 100 years at $2,000 PAGE TWENTY

J * In Argentina, South America, a number of images of the Virgin Mary, located in different parts of the country, were recently elevated by government" decree to the rank of general in the Argentine army. This is something new in the annals of ecclesiastical procedure. Natural­ ly, these images now receive a gen­ eral’s pay which of course goes into the coffers of the local and interna­ tional Catholic authorities. Truman J * During a recent visit to Florida, President Harry Truman attended the services of the First Baptist Church of Key West. The Associated Press is responsible for this state­ ment: “With about 200 others in the white frame, colonial style edi­ fice, Mr. Truman joined in the sing­ ing of ‘In the Cross of Christ I Glory,’ ‘Down at the Cross’ and ‘Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross.’ ” This is a fine example of commendable humility and a reminder of the constant ne­ cessity to remember our chief exec­ utive in our prayers. He is an ordi­ nary man, faced with an extraor­ dinary task. He is possessed of earth­ ly wisdom and he desperately needs heavenly wisdom. This supernatur­ al enablement can be his if the praying people of America mention his name before the Throne of Grace. Nine ,v$ A report by the Chief Probation Officer, John S. Cowdill, in San Mateo County, California, says,- “Nine out of every ten youngsters received in the Probation Department have never been in a church.” The report lists four other reasons for the alarming growth of juvenile delin­ quency including divorce, Holly­ wood morals, pornographic maga­ zines, and lack of parental care. Speak as you like about old-fash­ ioned Christian character, of Sunday schools, and the church services, often disliked by modem youngsters, but statistics, which do not lie, point out that these things are the great­ est deterrents tb crime that the world has ever known. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

each annually. Consider the total cost of World War II to America at three hundred billion dollars. This could have placed 1,500,000 mis­ sionaries on the mission fields of the world for a century, at the same rate of $2,000 per year. These figures do not cover the positive side of the picture showing that through the ef­ forts of these missionaries, hundreds of men and w o m e n would have turned from a life of destruction and waste to that of productiveness and happiness. Dropped rjg Four “illegitimate” and two “non-existent” Popes have been dropped from the Roman Catholic Church honor roll. After a careful scrutiny of papal history, official Rome feels it necessary to erase these names from her list. Truly the lives of these six must have been exceptionally bad. We wonder what would happen if the list had been considered by a standard of real righteousness and truthfulness. Ap­ parently this action does not damage, in the mind of the average Catholic, his belief in papal infallibility. Brain Recently in Philadelphia an an­ nouncement was made of the de­ velopment of a “mechanical brain,” 1,000,000 times faster than the hu­ man mind and capable of memo­ rizing 1,000 10-digit figures at a time. The computor, known as EDVAC (electronic, discreet, variable, com­ putor) is 10 times faster, 105 times smaller and one-tenth as heavy, as its predecessor, developed during the war. It is said that the machine will solve in 2 or 3 days a problem which formerly required 20 mathematicians 2 years to complete. Let it be remembered that no­ where within the pages of Scripture is it stated that God regards the hu­ man brain highly. Nor, is the piling up of human knowledge God’s goal for His children. It is the heart of man which God loves and for which the price of redemption was paid.

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