King's Business - 1947-07

out to know what they should do to be saved. Three thousand were ad­ ded to the church, after repentance and baptism. This was only the be­ ginning; the Jerusalem church reached the enormous membership of fifteen thousand. Revival reached Antioch, which became the great missionary »church of the apostolic age, because of its prophetical preaching under the power of God. 2. Paul and Silas sang songs, prayed and quoted Scripture in the jail at Philippi; the jailer and his household were converted and bap­ tized. Paul’s conviction concerning the Word, plus his tears shed over the lost, brought hundreds to Christ. He stood by the truth no matter what the cost—and it did finally cost him his life. 3. What are modern watchmen1 feeding the people? Is it science, history, or philosophy? Is it liter­ ature, stories, or nice religious es­ says? The only message from the pulpit that will warm the hearts of listeners is the Word of Life. People are ignorant of the Bible, especially that portion known as prophecy. They need teaching. We ministers are responsible, in a large measure, for this sad condition. The editor of Western Recorder re­ cently stated: “It is not enough to condemn the evil and uphold the good. Nor is it enough to urge peo­ ple to forsake their wicked ways and turn to the Lord. The people need instruction. Many are ignorant of God’s Word. They have no just conception of God’s holiness, no cor­ rect idea of the enormity of sin, no real appreciation of the blessing of salvation. In many cases church membership means, seemingly, little more than membership in a frater^ nal lodge.” This is not a very flattering pic­ ture; nevertheless it is true, gen­ erally speaking. During the revival at Berea, conducted by the Apostle Paul, the people “searched the scrip­ tures daily, [to see] whether those things [preached by Paul] were so.” Would to God that we could stir our people today to such earnest zeal in searching out truth from the Holy Book! Prophetic preaching will draw peo­ ple. A few months ago it was my privilege to attend for eight days and nights a series of sermons on prophecy. The church was filled at evening services, and the day crowds were good. People literally "hung” on the words of the preacher, a converted Jewish rabbi. More peo­ ple attended than would have been there for revival meetings. In fact it was a revival—a revival of pro­ phetic preaching, of Bible reading and knowledge. May such services increase all over America! T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

filled, among which' are: their return to Palestine, which is being accom­ plished under difficulty; their con­ version, and there are many good re­ ports about this. God w ill give the living Jews one day a final oppor­ tunity to accept His Son. A second benefit from the study of prophecy is that it will increase zeal for Christ’s cause. 1. Perhaps the church’s greatest need today is that of c o n c e r n for sinners. “As soon as Zion trav­ ailed, she brought forth her chil­ dren.” I do not see any general revival ahead until this comes to pass. Zech- ariah was burdened for his kinsmen back at Jerusalem, so something was done about it. Peter and John were burdened for the lost Jews, so thou­ sands were saved through their ef­ forts. Even “a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.” Paul was burdened for his kinsmen, even to the point that he could have wished himself accursed for their sakes, and so many of them found Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Even the Gentiles were won because of the religious zeal and faith engen­ dered by Paul while studying Old Testament prophecy. Paul went into seclusion for some years before be­ ginning his work to re-study the Word of Life, and to straighten out his theology. A fter' this he was a power for God. 2. How shall our zeal be increased? By the study of God’s Word, which includes the study of prophecy: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” By prayer: “The effec­ tual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” By personal work: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,” was preached by Paul to the Philip­ pian jailer after the testimony of Paul and Silas in prison. 3. Then revival will come. One of the most impressive scenes of my boyhood days was the sight of Chris­ tians weeping over the lost. They spoke with tears in their eyes and a tremor in their voices, as they plead with the unsaved to come to Christ. They prayed fervently and they spoke of the Saviour; conse­ quently scores were saved. A third blessing that comes from the study of prophecy is that pro­ phetic preaching is mightily used of God. If ministers w ill study God’s Word, and preach it, power will be given and the lost will be saved. 1. Take for example, Peter’s Pen­ tecostal sermon (Acts 2:14-41). Prophecies from Joel and the Psalms were used to show that the Christ the Jews condemned and caused to be crucified, was the Messiah for whom they had looked and waited all through the centuries. Men cried

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