King's Business - 1947-07

T E A C H IN G T INY TOTS By Elizabeth Killough D O YOU find it difficult to hold the attention of the baby class? I have a small class of two-and-a- half-year-old boys and girls. The first problem is to keep them in the class. This is done by giving them each a little chair of their very own, then they feel more at home. The next step is to give them something to do and to get them to “join in“ ; so I teach by questions and answers. For example: “How many Gods are there?” And the youngsters hold up one finger. “How many Command­ ments?” and up go all ten little fingers. “I and my Father are— ?” Again one finger, and so on. Next we tell a story together like this: "Once upon a time there was a little boy called Joseph. His daddy loved him so much that he made him a little— ?” (they fill in the pauses). They say “ a little coat,” and I ask what kind of coat, and they start and tell all the colors in it. Then I ask how many brothers Joseph had, and up go ten fingers and one. They show me how a pit is made, and when I ask if Joseph was afraid in the pit, all heads shake, “No.” "Why wasn’t he afraid?” An­ swer, “ ’Cos God there.” They are very interested to hear about the camel on which Joseph rode away to another country. By the time they are three years old my pupils can say the Lord’s Prayer, some of the Beatitudes and Commandments, and also the first verse of several hymns. Often moth­ ers tell me that the babies would not miss Sunday school for anything. Copyrighted by the Sunday School Times and used by permission.



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Please Pray for The King's Business

S P A I N _ __ _______ Of the 27,000,000 people in Spain, only some 500.000 have ever heard the Gospel. A man said to one of our evange- lists after a service, *T am over 70 years old, and I had never heard the Gospel until you came.”' Prayerfully support this faith work. SPANISH CHRISTIAN MISSION North American Heartquarters Rev. Zacariat P. Carles, B.A., L,Th., S.C.T., Founder and Director 3 H illsboro Avenue, Toronto 5, Canada

Addrttt , City. --------------- JULY, 1947

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