King's Business - 1947-07

matched with Bible places. The easiest place was Bethlehem- To give the correct fact for Bethlehem only counted 5 points. Sarah Mack got this right, but Johnny gave the right answer to the hardest one, and earned 25 points for the boys. “Then there was the Bible Quiz Program. I think I liked that best of all. It was just like a real radio pro­ gram. We all pretended that we were truly broadcasting so we were just as quiet as could be. Four children were chosen to stand in front of the microphone. It was only an imita­ tion one, but it looked real. Mr. Thompson interviewed the boys and girls. Then he asked them questions about Bible characters, giving clues. The girls won in this contest, and I was glad. "Of course, we had a Bible lesson, only it was different. We’re taking a stay-at-home trip, visiting the places where Jesus was when He was here upon earth. The teacher has a big outing flannel map which sticks to the Scripturegraph board. As we study the different places Jesus visited, we place a scene on the map. Today we placed a beautiful golden star right over Bethlehem where Jesus was born. We’re draw­ ing maps in our notebooks, too; and as we draw, we sing the nicest song. It begins ‘First the line of coast we make.’ It helps us to draw the map. “Recess was fun, too; Miss Mayes played with us and taught us the best games! “After recess we sang some more songs and choruses, then a mission­ ary from India, all dressed up like a native woman, told us the most in­ teresting story of some little chil­ dren in India who have let the Lord Jesus come into their hearts. When she asked all of us if we would like to let the Lord Jesus come into our hearts, five children raised their hands. I didn’t raise mine, Mother, because I let the Lord Jesus come into my heart last Christmas. “Now,” said Marilyn drawing the first long breath since she began her story, “ I think I’ve told you all; that is most all. I’m so hungry, Mother. Is lunch ready?” “Indeed it is,” replied her mother, "already on the table. And you have given me a fine description of your first day at the Daily Vacation Bible School.” “O, Mother,” sighed Marilyn, “I wish that right after lunch, it was going to be tomorrow morning.”

June Puzzle Answers

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2>.V. S. By Martha S. Hooker

■jyrOTHER, Mo--ther!” shouted ten- ■LVJ.year-old Marilyn, as she went from room to room', trying to find her mother after her first day at Daily Vacation Bible School. “ I’m in the kitchen, dear." “O, Mother, I want to tell you all about what happened this morning.” Marilyn’s face was flushed with ex­ citement as she threw her arms about her mother and kissed her. “ It was wonderful, Mother; we did so many interesting things. I just love Daily Vacation Bible School.” “ I’m so happy about that, dear. While I finish getting lunch, sup­ pose you tell me all about what you did.” “Well,” began Marilyn enthusias­ tically, “first we lined up in front of the church, and what do you think, Mother? Miss Mayes asked me to carry the Christian flag! Tommy Scott carried the American flag, and Mary Jones carried the Bible. Some­ one played ‘Onward, Christian Sol­ diers,’ and we all marched into the big church auditorium. All of the children went to their seats and stood there except Tommy, and Mary and me; we had to take our places right in front while the flag and Bible salutes were given. “After the salutes, Mr. Thompson stood up in front and said, ‘O come, let us worship’ [Psa. 95:6]. Then we sang, “We all recited the Twenty-third Psalm, and then Mr. T h o m p s o n prayed out loud. It was all so quiet, Mother, God seemed to be right there. “Then we sang choruses, and after that we learned a memory verse. It was so easy to learn, Mother; Miss Mayes pictured it for us on the Scrip- turegraph board. “There were contests, too, between the boys and the girls in most every­ thing, and the boys got the most points today, but tomorrow the girls are going to win. We just have to show the boys that we are as smart as they are.” “Of course you do," a g r e e d Mother. “Target practice was lots of fun. Two boys and two girls stood before a large target; but instead of throw­ ing darts, Bible facts had to be PAGE THIRTY ‘O come, let us worship, O come, let us worship, O come, let us worship, Christ, the Lord.’

Christ Speaks to H is Soldiers Induction "Endure hardness, as a good sol­ dier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3). Reveille "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” (Eph. 5:14). RoU Call “I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine” (Isa. 43:1). Armor “Take . . . the whole armour of God . . . truth . . . the breastplate of righteousness . the preparation of the gospel of peace . . . the shield of faith . . . the helmet of salvation . . . the sword of the Spirit” (Eph. 6:13-17). AttentionI “Look unto me, and be ye saved” (Isa. 45:22). Quick MarchI “Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). Haiti “Stand ye still, and see the salva­ tion of the Lord” (2 Chron. 20:17). Stand EasyI “I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). On Guard “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” (Mark 14:38). In' Camp “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him” (Psa. 34:7). In Action “Fight the good fight of faith” ( i Tim. 6:12). When Wounded "If ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye” (1 Pet. 3:14). In the Hour of Death “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). At the Grand Review “Well done, good and faithful serv­ ant . . . enter thou into the joy of thy lord” (Matt. 25:23). —Selected. THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Bible Arithmetic Answers

(1) 66- 2=33 (2) 33- 27=6 (3) 12x6=72 -

(4) 72-5-8=9 (5) 9+39= 48 (6) 48-12=4

(7) 4 + l + l = 6

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