King's Business - 1947-07

August 31. 1947 STARGAZING REVEALS GOD P sa . 8:1-9

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j b a y W E HO LD these truths to be seli-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are en­ dowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit oi happiness. - That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers From the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, lay­ ing its Foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such Form, as to them snail seem most likely to effect their safety and hap­ piness. Prudence, indeed, will dic­ tate, that governments long estab­ lished should not be changed for light and transient causes; and ac­ cordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolish­ ing the forms to which they are ac­ customed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing in­ variably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under abso­ lute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such govern­ ment, and to provide new guards for their future security.” From the Declaration of Independ­ ence of July 4th, 1776. ROBERT H A R K N E S S • presents: Two Correspondence Courses 1. EVANGELISTIC HYMN PLAYING For Those W ho Can Already Play H ym ns and Gospel Songs EIGHTY Musically-Illustrated lessons. TWELVE Musi­ cal subjects taught. Nearly FIVETHOUSAND Students have enrolled. 2. BEGINNERS HYMN PLAYING COURSE For Plano For Those W ho Cannot Play a Note but W ish to Learn to Play H ym ns and Gospel Songs F I F T Y Musically•Illustrated lessons. Original HARKNESS Keyboard Charts. Children study under home supervision. Send for FREE details. Indicate which Course interests you. R O B E R T H A R K N E S S 73—SONGS IN THE DESERT—73 Fourth edition. 73 soul-inspiring, devo­ tional. evangelistic, missionary specials —solos, duets, choruses, anthems. Sung by thousands around the world. In artistic leatherette cover. One copy 65c; 2 copies $1.00 C. E. RANC»<, P U B L IS H E R 900 N. H obart Blvd., Lo s Angeles 27 20 N. Raymond Ave.. Room 7 Pasadena 1. Calif.

to be a true witness in all kinds of weather and under all circum­ stances. Men believe what he says and are guided by his counsel. There is also the Great Dipper with its beautiful stars which makes its circle around the North Star. It is used as a guide by which to locate the North Star. So in the Christian life, there are lesser lights who guide others into contact with the Greater Light and thus are used of God in their own sphere. T he S tory of the C omets These br i ght heavenly bodies make their way somewhere out there in the eternal spaces, and appear to us on the earth just for a little while before pursuing their course. They are brilliant, attractive, and wonder­ ful. The astronomers know exactly when and where they will appear. These comets may be compared to the great men of God who have shone brightly in the history of the church and then have slipped away; but have left behind their excellent writings. These are used as need arises for reference books in the things of God. In this way they ap­ pear again for a little while, and then are placed on the shelf to be brought out when needed. These are a few of the great lessons to be learned from the starry sky.

TV/TANY things may be observed by considering the heavens in the light of the Scriptures. The zodiac consists of a group of twelve con­ stellations lying in the heavens in an elliptical form in a belt sixteen degrees wide. The course of the sun through these constellations begins at the constellation of Virgo, the virgin, and ends in the close of the year at Leo, the lion. Each constella­ tion has a special meaning and con­ veys a particular message to our hearts. Each one refers to Christ Jesus in His course of life from the virgin birth to His place on the throne. Each one proclaims tho glory, the suffering, the deity and the hu­ manity of our lovely Lord. T he S tory of the Z odiac The sun begins its journey in January in the constellation Virgo, the virgin, and continues around the orbit closing its course in Leo, the lion. Here we learn the lesson that our blessed Saviour went from the manger to the eternal throne. The constellations which intervene tell progressively of His crushing the serpent beneath His heel, of making the life fruitful, of holding perma­ nently to His own possessions, and of His defending His saints. “The heavens declare the glory of God.” They declare it by this succession of events told by the zodiac groupings. This message is told in every coun­ try to every people. T he S tory of the S tars Two kinds of stars are found in the heavens. There are wandering stars which are described by Jude, verse 13, and there are fixed stars mentioned by Daniel in chapter 12. The wandering s t a r s , such as meteors and shooting stars, may rep­ resent religious leaders who appear and shine brightly for a little while and then pass away into eternal dark. The fixed stars may represent God’s true servants who tell the story of salvation, feed the people of God, guide the servants of the church, and so shine permanently for God forever. We should never follow wandering stars. They will lead us into the dark. Let us follow the Bright and Morning Star who is the light. T he S tory of S pecial S tars The North Star fixes the compass and the directional guides for the world. It Is many trillions of miles from the earth and is unchanging in its position. It is a type of that fine, noble, Christian who, being firmly fixed in the faith, is found

The I.F.GA. it opening closed churches/

It is providing a fellowship in the gospel for many V A men who otherwise "stand alone" jp the several communities.

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It is growing rapidly as to numberi

It is meeting a challenge in ; and unbelief. It enables the unity of j ceded action and feüowshj

I age of liberalism

te spirit to find con-

It has erected barrieii that effectively prevent >5) its becoming another denomination. ^ < l t is easier to get /ut of it than it is to get into *1 / it, if the occasionAhould ever arise. There are no chains of centralized gontrol. H It assumes a SCTptural position In this sectarian age. t dTAs we see die day approaching we see the I.F.GA. &/is on the right side. It It In there, "contending for the faith once/or ad delivered to the saints." (Jude 3.) yjNHSepadfted unto the gospel" it is ready to extend fy ) fellowship to all them that have obtained like pre­ cious faitp with us through the righteousness of God pod our/aviour Jesus Christ" (II Peter Isl.) REV. P. H. KADEY Paster, Flint (M ich igan ) G ospel A ssem bly full M 4 tN M M * InUmall*«, WfitM INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL CHUICHES OF AMEIICA 341 S. Deerbem Street • CHIcope 4 ,1HInets T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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