King's Business - 1947-07

[teaching] of thy father, and for­ sake not the law of thy mother.” Only the love and patience of Christ can make boys and girls obedient. His grace can make Christian boys and girls real missionaries right in their own homes. In your home, “what is the Gospel according to you” ?

are Christians will find it easier to be like the Saviour in their homes. Parents who are not Christians may never go to God’s house. Their chil­ dren’s lives will be the only sermon that they hear—the only Bible that they read. Solomon in one of his Proverbs, says, “My son, hear the instruction



Kdiforft: Keith L. Brook« and Howard W . Kellogg

Handbook of World Event* In the light of (sod’« W ord; altto dlgeat of the moot de­ pendable prophet!«* thought. New* and viewo gathered by Reoeareh Staff of American Prophetic league, Inc. H u b a e r l b e T O D A Y Truoted and appre«*lated for many yearn by Bible tea«*hem over the world becaune of Itw dynamic information, sane presentation and <*onvi<*tion-laden articles. Only 91» 1-yr. sab. You’ll wonder why you didn’t have it before. Sample free. Write . . . P R O P H E C Y Box BB, Eagle Rock St«., Lot Angeles 41

AUGUST 10, 1947 STRAIGHT THINKING ON MORAL PURITY P rov . 4:23-5:4; 31:10-12; J as . 1:13-15 Outline and Exposition P rotection A gainst E vil (P rov . 4:23-5:4)

Points and Problems “Keep thy heart with all diligence; fo r out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:28). The word keep is a military word, meaning “to watch” or “garrison.” The heart of man needs to be guarded against the in­ trusion of any influence of the world, the flesh, or the devil, for once in the heart, such intrusion will manifest it­ self in appropriate outward conduct. A remarkable suggestion of the physical fact of the circulation of the blood is seen in these words. Har­ vey’s discovery, centuries later, which revolutionized medical thinking, is here taken for granted, being used to illustrate spiritual truth. As the heart sends out through all the body the elements needed to nourish and invigorate it, so man’s inner nature must be carefully guarded, because it produces that which edifies the child of God and determines his spiritual welfare. "Let thine eyes look right on” (Prov. 4:25). “ Fix your eyes upon Jesus” is the meaning of these words for us today. Compare Hebrews 12:2. The child of God is expected to for­ get the failures of the past, ignore the temptations all about him, and press on toward the goal of pleasing Christ in all his ways. The farmer plows a straight furrow only when he keeps his eyes on a distant point directly in front of him. The distant point for the Christian is the Lord Jesus Christ. “For the Ups of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb” (Prov. 5:8). Aside from its literal application, this statement presents a picture of the world with all of its allurements which seek to turn men’s hearts away from God. The world does have its pleasures, and many of them are sweet, but they are only tem­ porary, and sooner or later turn to bitterness. Man needs to note that not all sweetness is of God; the devil and the world have their tid­ bits too. A choice must be made by the Christian. Who can find a virtuous woman9” (Prov. 81:10). From verse 10 to verse 31 is a perfect acrostic poem, each

SACRED PIANO SOLOS “Thera’s a Wideness la God's Morey”

Because the issues of life spring from the heart, it must be kept “ above all -that thou guardest" (Marg. R.V.). When the heart is right, the lips, the eyes, and the feet w ill all be controlled properly (4:23-25). The path must be pondered, or weighed carefully. To walk In the right way, demands thought, time, and action on the part of the trav­ eler. Then will “ all [his] ways be ordered aright” (R. V. Marg. 4:26, 27). The Lord’s wisdom- and under­ standing are indicated by the word my (5:1). From Him discretion and knowledge come, to preserve the Christian from all the artifices of the “ strange woman” (5:2-4). T he G lory of .W omanhood (P rov . 31:10-12) The glory of the “virtuous woman” extends beyond mere moral purity. She could have such purity and still be of no assistance to her husband. However, as a wife, she is united in all things to her husband, holds his business as her own, and looks to his well-being so that his heart trusts in her, and “ he shall have no lack of gain” (R.V.). “ She doeth him good . . , All the days of her life” (R.V.). T he S ource of T emptation (J as . 1:13-15) Temptation to evil practice rises from Satan and one’s own desires, never from God. Satan lays hold upon the desires and by them en­ tices to evil. The result of the evil desire is sin, and the product of sin is death. To recognize the evil of unholy desire, and to understand Satan’s purpose, lead to putting the Lord supreme in the heart and mind. This consecration leads to perpet­ ually triumphant, victorious living (Rom. 7:8; 8:1-8). JULY, 1947

“Blessed Be the Fountain” "Safe in the Arms of Jesus”

Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modula­ tions, Chimes. Suitable for Radio performance. Bach. 2oc. A L L THREE FOR $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 5S8 So. Hope St. Lot Angeles 13, Calif. WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 52S 33rd St, Oakland 9, Calif. Three Year B i b l e S c h o o l granting diploma. Approved for Veteran’s (G. I.) Trainin g. Approved by the California A ssociation of REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Fall Sem ester Begins Septem ber 15» 1947. Am ple Room for 100 N ew Studentsl Send for Information» Application Today.

A complete outfit for administering the sao> rameat in the home to the invalid or sick. PA STO R ’S COMMUNION SET Tray of tlx glasses, wine flask, bread* plate. In leather, plush-lined case. Size 6 /2x 2 yAx 3 Y4 inches. 18.75. Name in gold on case, add 60c a line. Free Catalog of Cburcb and Sunday School requisites on requests WILLIAM H. DIETZ, Inc. 10 S. W abash, Dept. 103, C hicago 3


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