King's Business - 1947-07

We have not referred to that larger work which came indirectly through Mr. Horton and the Fishermen’s Club—the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles with its graduates living for Christ to the ends of the earth. Truly the memory of “Daddy” Horton is a blessed one, and his work continues to increase with the passing of the years. ☆ The Bible Still on Trial O NE of the very splendid laymen’s organizations in our land is that of the Gideons, whose purpose is the printing and free distribution of the Scriptures. During the last war, the record attained by this comparatively small organization in the work of distribution of New Testaments to the members of the armed forces was indeed a noble one. At the close of the war, the Gideons attempted a new goal which was to place a scholar’s New Testament in the hand of every schoolchild in America. As was to be expected, in a number of places, there was opposition. For instance, in the city of Den­ ver, an attorney charges that this proposal of the Gideons “departs from the basic principles upon which our country is founded.” Reports in the press stated that the attorney is threatening court action if the Den­ ver School Board allows such free distribution of New Testaments. It is preposterous to hear a state­ ment to the effect that the Word of the Living God violates the basic principles of America. Our entire history as a nation shows that the exact opposite is true. Throughout the years, hundreds of America’s great have given their unqualified approval to the value and indispensa­ bility of the Word of God. Benjamin Franklin said: “Young man, my advice to you is that you cultivate an acquaintance with, and firm belief in, the Holy Scriptures, for this is to your certain interest. I think Christ’s system of morals and religion, as He left them with us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see.” Thomas Jefferson stated: “ I have said and always will say that the studious perusal of the sacred vol- T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” A ll is a word which can be used in its strict sense only by God Him­ self. What person or nation would dare to guarantee that all things which come into our lives would turn out for good? Another choice gem of Scripture is 2 Corinthians 9:8: “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all suffi­ ciency in all things, may abound to every good work.” What a wonderful God is ours! He not only makes such a guarantee but backs it up with all the resources of heaven. Nor is this benefit just for some par­ ticular group of God’s children. All of God’s children are included and His love abounds to everyone. So, we greet you as our friend greeted us, “ God bless you always and all ways.” ☆ His Works Continue T HE occasion was a recent anni­ versary dinner of the Fisher­ men’s Club in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Those present included about twenty men who, twoscore years before, had been introduced to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the privilege of serving Him by a stocky, little man who was nearing the re­ tirement age. That one was Thomas Horton, a veritable dynamo of spir­ itual energy—a real soul winner. One after another, “Daddy” Hor­ ton’s “ boys” told how he had pointed them to “ the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” One of the “ boys” is serving his Lord in Korea; another in South America; a third is working with young men, having contacted over 1,200 of them for Christ. Still others are living out in the business world the principles with which “Daddy” Horton inspired them. What a lesson for our own edifi­ cation is to be found here. That which is done in the name of Christ and for His glory alone will never die. It is like the pebble thrown into the pond producing ripples which never stop until the farthest shore is reached.

Welcome rpHIS is our first opportunity to of- fer a word of welcome to the host of new friends who have become members of our King’s Business family during our half-price sale. We are more than delighted to ex­ tend to you the right hand of Chris­ tian fellowship, and to assure you of our earnest desire that your Chris­ tian life may be advanced through the medium of these pages. The King’s Business, one of the earliest magazines in the field of re­ ligious journalism, has been a de­ fender of the truth for many years. Our contributors are an army of God’s great. Our field is the world and our reason for existence is to publish abroad the greatest story in the world, that of the love of God as found in Christ. Again, we renew our pledge, as God gives us grace, to lift high the banner of the Lord .Jesus Christ, to exalt His name, and to preach with­ out fear His truth as found in His Word. May we invite your prayers, not only for the ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, but also for the ministry of this printed page? One of the best things you can do for us, after you have prayed, is to introduce The King’s Business to your friends. I f every subscriber would add one new name each year, what a glorious group we would have! So, friends, from our heart to yours, we give you a very warm welcome! ☆ God’s AU TN A RECENT letter from a Chris- ■*- tian friend just above his signa­ ture we found these words: “God bless you always and all ways.” We were struck by the warmth and Christian regard of these words. After all, who else but the Lord is able to bless us, not only in every circumstance, but during every day? It is a delightful exercise to one’s spirit to interpret the all’s in the Word of God. Romans 8:28, which is the citadel of the Christian’s faith, states: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that PAGE FOUR

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