King's Business - 1947-07

AUGUST 24, 1947 PLAIN FACTS ABOUT HONESTY P r o v . 3:3; 11:1,3; 12:17-22; 14:5; 23:10,11

Fo r a real vacation and a spiritual treat come to beautiful

Outline and Exposition H o n e s t y i n B u s in e s s (3 :3 ; 11:1, 3)

dered and that the whole life may be consistent, for out of the heart are "the issues of life” (4:23). The inward and outward life of man rise and fall together. A fountain cannot send forth both sweet and bitter water (Jas. 3:11). “The lip of truth shall be estab­ lished forever : but a lying tongue is but for a moment” (12:19). A prin­ ciple of tremendous import is here set forth. Those who stand for the truth in the fullest sense stand with Christ, for He is the truth, and He shall abide eternally, and so shall all of those who stand with Him. But all liars shall be brought to judg­ ment. Lying, hyprocrisy and all kindred sins w ill eventually be brought to light. Man may enjoy the results of his deception for a time, but in comparison with the blessings associated with the truth, they will last but a “moment.” “For their redeemer is mighty” (23:11). It is the blessed privilege of those who are wronged to commit their case to a mighty Saviour. He will undertake in their behalf and bring enrichment out of what seems to be loss. The opponents of the righteous may seem mighty, but Je­ hovah is almighty, and He takes their part. For the Children B e in g H o n e s t A t W o r k A n d P l a y (2 S a m u e l 24:18-25; P r o ve r b s 12:17 a , 22) M e m o r y V e r s e : "Love worketh no ill to his neighbour” (Rom. 13:10). King David was commanded to build an altar unto the Lord upon a threshlngfloor owned by a man named Araunah. Because David was the king of the land, he might have taken from Araunah the threshing- floor and also the wood and the oxen for the sacrifice. Araunah tried to give the floor, the wood, and the oxen to David, but the king said, “Nay [N o ]; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing.” David insisted upon pay­ ing the fair price; he would not offer unto his God that which he had not received in a fair manner. King David showed that he had God’s love within his heart, for "Love worketh no ill to his neighbour.” Christian boys and girls honor the Lord Jesus when they are fair in their work and in their play. If they cheat in games, if they take things without paying for therti, if they are T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

C hristian Conference Center of the W est. For inform ation w rite direct to: M ount Herm on Association, M ount Hermon, Calif.

Precepts, however good, are of little force unless engraved deeply upon the heart from which emanate the issues of life (3:3). Our just God delights in honest weights, but a "balance of deceit" (R.V. Marg.) is an abomination to Him. Dealing with integrity, and without perverseness in business af­ fairs, will delight our Lord and sat­ isfy our fellow man. Here in a series of proverbs, truth and lying are compared with re­ sults issuing from each. On the one hand, the uttering of truth reveals the hidden righteousness and wis­ dom of the speaker; it firmly estab­ lishes itself, brings joy by its coun­ sel, guards from mischief, and makes the truth teller a delight to the Lord. On the other hand, the uttering of lies reveals the hidden deceit in the heart and acts as a stabbing sword upon the object; it is soon discovered for what it is, fills the liar with evil, and is an abomination to the Lord. In ancient times, boundaries of property were always well marked and well known. But when children were left fatherless and helpless, strong, unscrupulous men were tempted to take advantage of the weak ones, and to steal their inher­ itance (v. 10). Though these helpless ones were weak in themselves, they had a strong Protector (v. 11) who would plead their cause against the dis­ honest grasping one. Better not to have the property than in possessing it, have to face the Mighty One. Points and Problems "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; •write them upon the table of thine heart” (3:3). The “neck” suggests man’s outward life, the "heart” his inward life. Mercy and truth ought to adorn man’s outward life even as a jeweled necklace adorns the per­ son of a beautiful woman. The world should be able to see these two vir­ tues in the life of every believer, but they should also be deeply imbedded in the inner life, which only God can see. This should be so in order that fellowship with God may not be hin­ H o n e s t y i n S p e e c h (12:17-22; 14:5) H o n e s t y w i t h P r o p e r t y (23:10, 11)

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