King's Business - 1944-07



daily study of the Word of God. The questions were on evolution, zoology, and the familiar defiances that men throw in God’s face. Quietly and earnestly she spoke, thankful that she had restrained the human impulse to launch into an argument when it was first suggested. Suddenly one of the girls jumped up. “Boy, this meeting is getting too hot ipr me,” she said, and went out. But the other girl listened for almost two hours as Carol showed her the wonders of the Word and sought to present Christ as the personal Saviour she needed. Virginia was another one who came with arguments. She was very skep­ tical and talkative ai d seemed unable to find answers to her complaints. One evening she asked to accompany Carol to church. All the way, she wanted to argue. But when the message was over, and the invitation to accept Christ was given, Virginia went forward. Had she really mean. it? The answer was immediately evident. She showed a love for God’s Word. She began an intensive course in Bible memorizing, and in four months a f t e r her con­ version she was an outstanding Chris­ tian leader in the hospital. When the day came for Carol to leave the hospital, her work completed, she thought back tc that evening, a few years before, when, she had prayed on the dance floor—and she thanked God for His abundant answer. She had been alone then, alone as a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. But she had been assured that she was in God’s place for her. And she had stood there, unafraid. Now she could count, with praise to the Lord for His working, a number of girls who were rejoicing in Christ as their Saviour. She could point to the Bible class, fully established and with a regular teacher, meeting outside the hospital and extending its welcome to student nurses from other training cen­ ters. She could rejoice over the Chris­ tian home that had.been opened to them, where nurses could gather for Christian fellowship when they had a few hours free or overnight leave. At least two of their group had gone forth to serve Him in other places: Lynn and Frances 'witnessing faith­ fully as Navy nurses, one at Pearl Harbor and the other in Oakland. All this God had wrought, and Carol knew she was the human channel He had chosen to begin the work. Thus it was with a humbly grateful heart that she enrolled, almost immediately upon the completion of her hospital training, as a student of the 'Bible Institute of Los Angeles, eager to be, come an increasingly efficient witness for the One who “ same not to be min­ istered ¿into, but to minister.”

“Why are you different from the other girls?” one of the student nurses asked her as they worked together one night. “No matter what happens, or .how tired you are, you are always joyful.” “ I’ll be glad to tell you,” Carol an­ swered, her eyes soft with happiness. “Blit there are rots of lights on now and work to do. If you will come to my room when we go off duty, I’ll tell you then.” The girl was waiting, and Carol began immediately' to tell her the source of joy and peace. “That’s what I’ve been looking for all my life,” the y o u n g nurse ex­ claimed. “I’ve gone to church, heard about«Christ and that I should walk in His steps, but I’ve never known how.” . “Would you 1i k e to accept Him now?” Carol asked so itlv . | “Oh, yes.” And the transaction was made. With a little silent prayer of thanks­ giving, Carol lifted her heart to God: “O Lord, this is wonderful: I thank Thee for sending me here, to see Thee work.” The whole hospital took notice when the lives of two senior students were completely changed. Lynn and Frances had come at separate times to Carol to find the secret of her happiness. Carol soon discovered that their back­ grounds had been almost identical. Living in Christian homes, they had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ while they were young. But there had been none who seemed to understand the importance of living a separated life, trusting the Holy Spirit for daily vic­ tory. Now they became marked stu­ dents when they •suddenly quit their smoking and drinking and were seen with heads bent over their Bibles. One day, these two girls were, with Carol in her room, earnestly, discuss­ ing a portion of Scripture when two other girls came in. They were ex­ cited, almost hysterical. “ Do you mean to tell me there is a God?” one of the new girls demanded. “Then why does He allcAv war? Why does He let good people suffer?” Carol opened her mouth to answer, but the Holy Spirit seemed to stop her. She sat quiet, while the girls argued for some twenty minutes, deny­ ing God and the Bible, until they were fairly exhausted. Then Carol spoke. “Do you really want to know why these things are?” she asked. “If you do, sit down and I’ll tell you.” The two girls, surprised, sat down. Carol had made a mental outline of the arguments t h a t had been ad­ vanced, and now the Lord gave her the answers to each one — answers that she had drawn from her faithful

STUDENT NURSE [ Continued from Page 229] •

She knew that Ruby, who had sneered at her plan, ■was trying 'fto disturb the, meeting. / Each week the girls came, and some were showing definite interest. ( One evening, when the meeting had just ■begun, there was a knock at the door and Ruby walked- in. . J. , 4: “Hi, Stuart,” she called., “How about' letting me in on one of these meet­ ings?” • “Whyi certainly. Come on in,” Carol ■invited, hiding her surprise. “Can I smoke?” . “Of course, if youi want to. Here’s an ash tray for you.” And Carol un­ screwed the top from a jar and ex­ tended it politely. But Ruby pnly began her cigarette and then let the rest burn away, her eyes f a s t e n e . d .upon Carol’s face throughout the reading and- discussion.. When the other girls left, Ruby stayed. “Couid you tell me about this salva-' tion?” she asked diffidently. Joy stirring her heart, Carol told her. Pure hunger was on Ruby’s earn­ est face'as she listened, but she shook her h e a d and said wearily, “It is good, but it isn’t for me. I’d have to give up the man I love, if I accepted Christ, and he is the only one who has ever cared for me. I , can’t give him up.” , Ruby’s near decision but deepened the longing in Carol’s heart for a Christian friend. Night after night she prayed that God would give her. one Christian friend, just one. But one night she was able to write ih her diary, “Tonight, for the first time,..I can really say that I am satisfied with Jesus. I am thrilled with His com­ panionship. Though I know no other Christian in all this city, I am content. He is all I need.” Just one week from that night, the first girl accepted Christ. The next .week, another one was Saved. And Carol knew that God was leading her on lip victoi^- Soon she found that the students were watching heir life. Some were outspoken in t h e i r ridicule. Others were curious.

"If thou shalt c o n f e s s with thy mou t h the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE S^VED.” — Romans 10:9.

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