King's Business - 1944-07

Dr.WilburM. Smith

¿ o n , TfC e e t ¿ *t S e n o c e e " b y

This well known teacher, editor of Pelou- bet's Notes, suggests the shortest Gospel, with its terse, military tone, for use in

A public official...

who knows his Bible A fter a fu ll day at the office, the treas­ urer o f a W yom ing town finds time for personal B ible study through a M oody hom e study course. H e says . . . " , . . your course stands right by the B ible, with clear and definite inform a­ tion on how to handle G od ’s W ord in teaching all classes o f people” W ou ld n ’t you like a better understand­ ing o f how to present the Bible to others—in all its convincing power? T h e Teacher Training Course w ill help you. W rite for details. Address Dept. j^g22

short-term classes in army and navy camps. But his exposition of Mark, and his practical working outlines, will prove of great value to all Bible students. For chaplains, pastors and teachers. 96 pages. 50*

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