King's Business - 1944-07

July, 1944



the door to invite Him in as our Lord and Master (cf. Rev. 3:20). Jesus will never force His way into a, life. The latch to the heart’s door is on the inside. There must be ac­ tion upoii our part to open the door. LSt us arise and go to our Father. AUGUST 20, 1944 “ UNTO ONE HE GAVE FIVE TALENTS” M a t t h e w 2 5 :1 4 -3 0 By David E. Dilworth In this topic our attention is direct­ ed particularly to the man in the par­ able of the talents who received the five talents. He is the highly gifted Christian, and though most of us would class ourselves with the one- talented or perhaps the two-talented individual, yet a study of the faith­ fulness of the one with the greater responsibility can be very profitable for us. vThrough him, the Lord Je-, sus reveals much regarding our po­ sition as “stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Pet. 4:10). May the Holy Spirit enable us to see ourselves in this parable. For Those Who Hove Topics I. WHO GIVES THE TALENTS? (vs. 14, 15). As thristians we should always re­ member that all that we have and all that we are is by,the grace of God ( i Cor. 4:7; 15:10; Eph. 3:7). All be­ lievers have been blessed with some particular talent, or talents, which are to be regarded as a stewardship from the hand of God to be adminis­ tered in His will and for His glory. This attitude will do away with much of the pride, jealousy, hurt feelings, and similar sins which often afflict Christian Endeavor societies and oth­ er organizations in a church. Our aim should be to use the talents in "service for others. The Lord Jesus Christ is the great example in this (Mk. 10:45; cf. Cor. 12:7; Jas. 1:17). II. HOW ARE THE TALENTS TO BE USED? (v. 16). In a similar parable in Luke 19:11- 27 the nobleman’s instructions to the servants were “occupy till I come.” Jesus wanted His disciples to be busy while He was away. The one-talent man kept his talent intact, but he didn’t use it and was reprimanded by the Lord. There are several passages in Scripture which mSjce clear how we ought to use the talents that are given us by God. (Read 1 Cor. 4:2; 13:1, 2; 1 Pet. 4:10.) The Apostle Paul told Timothy three things tl\.t he ought to do in respect to his talents: “Stir up” (2 Tim.

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1:16); “neglect not” (1 Tim. 4:14); “give thyself wholly” (1 Tim. 4:15). At another time, Paul wrote to Archippus: “Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it,” i.e., fill it full (Col. 4:17). Our God-given talent is only the canvas; the picture must be paint­ ed. It is the loom; the thread must be woven. “Suppose a number of children be­ longed to a drawing school, and one was given the picture of a queen to draw, and another that of a beggar girl, and a third that of a blind girl. Who would get the prize? Would the girl who drew the queen? No, of course not, unless she drew the best picture. Each of us has a life to live, a picture to draw. The prize will be given to the one who fulfills best that which is assigned to him” (George Goodwin, What To Teach, p. 21). IH. WHAT IS THE REWARD? (vs. 20, 21 ) . 1. Satisfaction. Faithfulness brings much of its own reward, but who can measure the amount of suffering in­ volved in regret over a wasted life! (cf. Lk. 18:30). 2. Commendation of the Lord. As the athlete rejoices in the approval of the coach, the child in that of the parent, and the student in that of the teacher, so the faithful Christian will find his special and supreme re­ ward in the words of commendation from the Lord Himself. t 3. Eternal joy with Christ. Earth- dwellers have no words to describe or ability to comprehend all that this will be. It will be glory. Christ has promised it (John 14:3). Christ Him­ self desires it (John 17:24). Conclusion Did you notice how this parable exalts Christian service? Ours is not a menial servitude. We serve the Lord Christ. We are stewards for the God of Heaven (1 Cor. 15:58).

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