King's Business - 1944-07




proper understanding of how one is to come to God was the occasion for the parable of the Pharisee and the publican; . Jésus Christ addressed this parable to “certain which trusted in them­ selves that they were righteous, and despised others” Notice the self-con­ ceit of this number. They had a high opinion of their own righteousness, and they depended upon the merit of it whenever they addressed God. This was their basic error. The Bible directs us to look away to Calvary, and trust in the crucified Christ. I. THE PHARISEE. The first character Jesus introduces in this parable is one very much like those whom He addressed. Note that the. men to whom Jesus spoke trusted in themselves, and the Pharisee of the parable stood and prayed “with him­ self.” The phrase is all ■the more pronounced when we know that the preposition “with” may also be trans­ lated “ to.” - He prayed to himself! Let us. observe that those who attempt to pray, having confidence in them­ selves, really- do no more than pray to themselves. For Those Who Have Topics

As we examiné the prayer of the Pharisee, we see that it was more a congratulation which he addressed to himself, than a prayer in which be gave thanks to God. This reeks with pride, and therefore is abominable to God. • The religion of the Pharisee con­ sisted in two external things. First, he did no harm to others. He testified that he was not an extortioner, nor an adulterer, nor unjust. Secondly, he boasted that he was faithful in his religious obligations, and in good works. .These facts the Pharisee push­ ed as grounds for his acceptance be­ fore God. How loathsome is this at­ titude to God, especially as it is coupled with such vile pride! There is 'a passage in Proverbs 30:12, 13 which fitly describes all those who claim their own merit. IL .THE PUBLICAN. The prayer of the second individual ,in the* parable stands in direct con­ trast to the first. We observe, in the first place, his humility. He stood “ afar off,” not seeking to be seen of men. Unworthiness forbade his lift­ ing up his eyes toward heaven. A deep sense of guilt prompted him to smite his breast, as if to indicate the source of his distress. It was his heart that condemned him. The Lord Jesus Himself taught that “from within, out of the heart of men, proceed . all these evil., things. . . and defile the man” (Mk. 7:21-23). The action of the publican would' indicate that he realized that his evil deeds issued from and gave evidence to a depraved heart. As we come to God, let us, in company with this publican, recognize that we are altogether devoid of any natural goodness. The next thing in contrast to the Pharisee was the way in which the publican cast himself on God’s mercy. “God be merciful to me a sinner,” was his cry. Sensing his utter helplessness in sin, he had no other recourse but the mercy of God. This is just as God would have it be with all of us. We are not to be occupied with merit, but with mercy. He would have us sing: Conclusion Jesus Christ testified that the pub­ lican went down to his house justi­ fied, rather than the Pharisee. All people fit into the category of either the Pharisee or the publican. Examine your heart today. With what do you plead for acceptance before God? Is it merit, or mercy? Mercy alone will justify—mercy which issues from the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. “Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling."


L uke 18:9-14 By S. Herbert Bess

The ground upon which men ap­ proach God has ever been of great interest to mankind. The negd for a

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Rev. Victor Buksbazen, General Secretary C O M E O V E B ■ . . A M P H E L P P S !

This was the imploring cry o f the Gentile world perishing in darkness and sin. The Jewish servant o f Christ, Paul, heeded the summons and brought to them the .gospel. Today it is Israel who, in agony and despair, ^s calling to the Gentile children o f God! COME OVER AND HELP US! The REFUGEES and DISTRESSED need material aid. ALL NEED CHRIST. Israel’s future is in His pierced hands. WILL YOU HEED HER IMPLORING CRY? W e invite you to fellowship with us in our ministry among Israel at home and abroad. Come over and help us win them fo r Christ. Please Send Your Gifts To: The Friends of Israel Missionary & Relief Society, Inc. Treasurer: Rev. Joseph T. Britan, D. D. 728 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, 7, Pa. President: Joseph M. Steele Vice Pres. Frederic M. Paist Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M. A., D. D., Principal Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario Ask fo r a sample copy o f our quarterly “ Israel My Glory ”

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