King's Business - 1944-07

New Book to Color! By Dorothy Grunbock and Emmy Lou Osborne. A delightful book that lets the youngsters run the gamut of their crayons in coloring scenes of the Brazil jungle and the primitive life of the Indian boy, Yakalo, and his sister, Patawa. A wonderful w ay to teach missions to children. Shows the Indians' ignorance of God, contrasted with the missionary's "good news" Each page a picture to be colored, with simple, clear explanation. Fine for Sunday school and child evangelism classes. 32 large pages, 11x14Vi in. _

Steer a Straight Coarse . . . to a liie that counts . . . a carefully charted course to effective Christian, service. Enroll at Moody Bible Institute. TUition is free, and you'll get the best in Bible instruction and practical "lab­ oratory training" Act now . . . the new term starts September 7. SPECIAL to young men of IB or over, high school graduates. . . . With the entrance age for men lowered during the present emergency, you can begin train­ ing now. Write Dept, j ^ l

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153 IN S T IT U T E P L A C E , C H I C A G O 10, IL L IN O IS



S U N D A Y S C H O O L L E S S O N S All ages prefer Standard’s Closely •Graded and Uniform quarterlies, story . papers. Used in thousands o f successful schools. Write for free samples and cata- ' logue. State grade in which interested. T H E S T A N D A R D P U B L I S H I N G C O . 8th and Cutter Street,, Cincinnati 3, Ohio ★ ★ PRAY ★ ★ ★ ★ Why Not Send Him This Fall? Y OUR BOY would profit by a year or two in a Christian boarding school before he enters college or the Serv­ ice. Living away from home under the influence of men of character and ability is excellent preparation for larger freedom or greater responsibility. But have you thought of the values that younger boys derive from laying sound foundations? For instance, take the boy in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade— consider what it means to him to master thoroughly the tool subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic; to cultivate a desire to excel in his studies; to go into high school so well grounded in fundamentals that he stands well up in his class. Think of your boy learning wholesome sports under the coaching of experienced men and in com­ petition with youngsters of his own age and ability. Consider his spiritual growth during these vital years spent in a com­ munity devoted to highest Christian pur­ poses. So, whether your boy is in the older or the younger group, why not start him in boarding school this fall? Many of the vacancies at Stony Brook are already filled. The headmaster will be glad to send you a catalogue and answer your questions. tonyJJrookJctiool Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt.D., Headmaster, ★ ★

P r e s e n t s . . . Two Correspondence Courses 1. EVANGELISTIC HYMN PLAYING For Piano and Organ Teaches TW E L V E M u s i c a l Subjects. E IGHTY m usically-illustrated lessons. If you can already play hymns and gospel songs, send today for new free Prospectus. TH REE THOUSAND students have enrolled. 2. BEGINNER'S HYM N PLAYING COURSE For Piano For those who cannot play a note but who wish to learn to play hymns and gospel songs. Children can also study this course under hom e supervision . . . Now enlarged to FIFTY lessons with special HARKNESS KEYBOARD CHARTS . . . Send for FR EE booklet to ROBERT HARKNESS P. O. Box 204, South Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A.

.oiu,er eternal service y .ur icl- jwmen. Supply Bibles, Testament's, Religious Books. Special gifts for servicemen. 64-page catalog packed with urgently needed Christian books for young and old. Great de­ mand. Big commission to zeal­ ous workers. FREE REFER­ ENCE DICTIONARY to produc­ ers. Rush name for free mail­ ing, all details. National Art Studios, Dept. 87R 257 S. Spring, Eos Angeles. 12

Ca ta £ 2 nri.iu

Cectures o h the B O O K O F A C T S By Dr. H. A. Ironside This deeply spiritual work reveals the daily Christian living in the early church. Peter and Paul, Barnabas and Mark, and the Spirit-filled people of “ Acts” come alive as you read. The vast panorama of Apostolic teaching and ac­ tivity unfolds in vivid, clear and beautiful de­ tail, intimately related to our life today.

H. A. Ironside, T.itt. D.

Rich in Guidance and Knowledge In this, his latest expository work. Dr. Ironside writes in a style that is simple and direct. His appeal is warm and human, and he manifests an understanding of the Bible that will enrich the mind and heart of student and layman alike, and will challenge and move the unsaved.

F RE E • Write for our big Catalog of the BEST in Christian literature and complete list of writings by Dr. Ironside (85 separate titles), famous American Bible teacher, pastor and preacher.

45 full chapters, over 650 pages, strong sewed binding. Paper covers, only $2. Attractive cloth cover, only $3. Order TO D A Y From WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT CO ., Inc. Dept. KA 1719 Franklin Street, Oakland 12, California

Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Please Mention K i n g ' s B u s i n e s s

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