
6C — December 23, 2022 - January 19, 2023 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

Robin Ann Juron wins “Office Building Property Management Professional” award Bergman Real Estate Group receives BOMA’s “Outstanding Building of the Year” award

OODBRIDGE, NJ — Bergman Real Estate Group an- nounced that 201 W. Pas- saic St. - Sherbrooke Office Center II has received a 2022 TOBY Award for “Outstand- ing Building of the Year” from the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) . The recognition is one of the highest honors bestowed by the commercial real estate group. The 65,000 s/f, four-story office building in Rochelle Park, NJ, won in the Suburban Office Park Low Rise category. W

Bergman Real Estate Group was presented with the award at the October 27, 2022 BOMA Awards Celebration, held at the Brooklake Country Club in Florham Park. Tom Castel- lano , senior property manager and Tim Ansberry , building manager were there to accept the award for Bergman Real Estate Group. “Our team has done an excellent job overseeing the transformation of 201 W. Passaic St. since we acquired the property in March 2020. We completely modernized the common areas through-

out, including the lobbies, corridors, restrooms and ex- terior with all new furnish- ings, artwork and interior landscaping. As a result, we have seen very positive ten- ant retention and have had significant lease up with new tenants” said Michael Berg- man , president and CEO of Bergman Real Estate Group. Robin Ann Juron , Berg- man Real Estate Group’s senior property manager also won a award for 2022 BOMA “Office Building Property Management Professional.” Juron was nominated by Ste- ven Bergman , vice president. “We are so proud of Robin,” said Steven Bergman. “She is a true professional that epitomizes the Bergman Cares culture and ensures that our tenants are happy, safe and productive every day of the year. Last year Bergman received a TOBY for Century Campus, a 3-building office park com - prising a 280,000 s/f campus in Parsippany. “To be awarded a TOBY, is an incredible honor. For us, it’s proof positive that we are holding true to our mission—providing the best quality for our tenants,” said Michael Bergman. “Similar to the other buildings in our portfolio, we focus on ensuring 201 W. Passaic Street will be a premier office building with first class amenities in an incredible location.” The building is easily ac- cessible to virtually every major roadway including Routes 4, 17, 208, I-80, and the Garden State Parkway. A number of shopping malls, banks and prime hotels are nearby including the Ramada Inn, and Courtyard by Mar- riott. New York City via the George Washington Bridge and Lincoln Tunnel are just 15 minutes away. “Our team is committed to providing more than excep- tional ownership and man- agement, thus ensuring our tenants are happy and produc- tive,” Bergman said. A total of 19,841 s/f of office space is currently available for lease. Bergman Real Estate Group is a privately owned, full-ser- vice real estate investment and management company. With more than 33 years of history operating in New Jersey and other select markets. MAREJ

201 W. Passaic St.


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