
8D — December 23, 2022 - January 19, 2023 — Year in Review 2022 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


Y ear in R eview 2022

John Johnson IOREBA

Bruce Gudin E hrlich , P etriello , G udin , P laza & R eed P.C.

Max Spann, Jr. M ax S pann R eal E state & A uction

Robert Sobol RPS C onsulting G roup

Ken Uranowitz G ebroe -H ammer A ssociates

Jeffrey Silberman K aplin | S tewart

Scott Butler K aplin | S tewart

S tacey M ilam M arcus & M illichap

John Zoetjes A merican A rchitectural W indow & D oor

Shaun Keegan S olar L andscape

Tom Didio Jr. JLL

David Knee JLL

Leor Hemo V antage C ommercial

Corinne Giletto V antage C ommercial

Sky high utility bills!

RPS Consulting Group is a Corporate Facilities, Environmental Compliance, and Green Energy design firm that provides: Facilities Cost Reduction and Site Selection Services Green Energy Planning and Design to Cut Utility Costs Environmental Due Diligence for Brownfields Redevelopment Rental rates through the roof! Contaminated property!

Bruce Johnson C apstan T ax S trategies

Terri Johnson C apstan T ax S trategies

“We are committed to helping our clients enhance their bottom line while adhering to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)” Robert P. Sobol, President & CEO

Kenneth Crimmins T he B lau & B erg C o .

Ward McMasters E arth E ngineering , I nc .

RPS Consulting Group, LLC | sobol@rpsobol.com | www.rpsobol.com

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