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Cleaning the Raisin River

On October 25, the Raisin River shoreline at Pitt and Tollgate in Cornwall got a water friendly makeover when over 60 volunteers planted 400 trees and shrubs. The water’s edge plantation came out of a grant that Raisin Region Conservation Authority’s (RRCA) recently received from the RBC Bluewater Project to make habitat improvements along the Raisin River shoreline within the City of Cornwall. RRCA, RBC, Tim Hortons and City of Cornwall staff joined students, nearby homeowners, and family members to create a riparian (shoreline) buffer zone located next to the local Tim Hortons. Pictured above are Karen Douglass Cooper (River Protection Network), Lissa Deslandes, Normand Genier and Matt Levac (Raisin Region Conservation Authority).

A way of saying thank you

An innovative Central Public School and General Vanier after-school program has prompted the Boys and Girls Club of Cornwall to adopt it. The project is geared at thanking veterans for their service. «Respect is a big thing we talk about in school and we also bring it into our after-school program,” explained Trevor Smith, communications and marketing co-ordinator for the Boys and Girls Club. The students therefore created countless cards, expressing their gratitude for the sacrifices made during past conflicts. The project was created by Toni Murray, a Boys and Girls Club after-school program employee. The dedicated woman also happens to work at the Royal Canadian Legion and therefore delivered the cards to veterans after the Remembrance Day ceremonies on November 11. Pictured are Hayden, holding his newly created card, and Toni Murray.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall


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