Headaches have a bad habit of making their appearance at the most inconvenient times. The middle of the workday, early in the evening when you have hours of responsibilties ahead of you, or even first thing in the morning when you are trying to pay attention to your morning meeting — headaches don’t care how important the work ahead of you is. When they start, they are hard to stop.
Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
• Eric & Nancy In London • Special Massage Offer • Patient Success Spotlights • Healthy Recipe • Exercises for Pain Relief
When Neck Pain Leads to Headaches The majority of the time, neck pain starts out as a seemingly small concern. A crick in your neck here or there may start to develop more frequently, and before you know it, your experience of neck pain is something you are dealing with daily. It isn’t always the result of something large. While being in a car accident or experiencing another sort of injury can definitely lead to chronic neck pain, the cause of the issue isn’t always as simple to identify. Sometimes it is a bad habit that you don’t really think twice about, like your habit of watching TV as you fall asleep, keeping your neck at an odd angle as you rest for the evening, or maybe as a result of your posture as you type at your desk every day, hunched over at the shoulders with your neck catching the brunt
Headaches have a bad habit of making their appearance at the most inconvenient times. The middle of the workday, early in the evening when you have hours of responsibilties ahead of you, or even first thing in the morning when you are trying to pay attention to your morning meeting — headaches don’t care how important the work ahead of you is. When they start, they are hard to stop. There are all sorts of reasons why headaches may develop. From environmental factors like weather changes and exposure to certain perfumes or other scents, to stress and allergies, headaches happen to the best of us. However, there are some headaches that may be a bit more predictable than others. Factors like your posture, the type of mattress you sleep on, the pillow you use, or even the desk chair you sit in at work can all impact your risk for experiencing regular headaches because of the intricate network of nerves and muscles in your neck.
of your slouch. (Continued Inside)
Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Aftermanyweeksplanning traveldates,gettingpassports,bookingflightsand a hotel, my wife Nancy and I took one of the trips of our dreams. We traveled toLondonandspent9daysexploringnooksandcrannies,shops, foodcourts, West End plays and museums. Nancy loves toshop,but it’snotwhatyou think;notclothes,but food,different foods,uniquefoods.Soon thefirstdayaftervisiting theTowerofLondonwhere London’s bloody history began, we navigated the tube (London’s subway) up to Harrods. The food court is this amazing display of cheeses, cured meats, fish, desserts and pastries. On another day we couldn’t resist exploring one of London’s oldest shops, Fortnum & Mason founded in 1707 on Piccadilly Street, fine purveyors of just about everything from fruits & flowers to fine teas and wines. As much as Nancy loves food shopping, I love galleries and museums and London has no shortage of them. From the National Gallery, to the Portrait ERIC & NANCY IN LONDON No Referral, No Problem! Didyouknowwecanseeyou forPTwithorwithoutadoctororotherhealthcare providers referral?Oneofourphysical therapistswillevaluateyou,andcustomize a treatment plan to reduce your pain and get you moving better. Refer yourself or someone you care about! Nancy and her Scottish friend, Barbara take a walk through an English garden in the town of Battle.
Eric and Nancy enjoy high tea at the Savoy Hotel
Gallery to the Tate Modern, London provides so much that until now, I have only seen in print. One of the real joys I experienced was walking the streets and having a restaurantcatchmyeye.ComingoutofHarrodswhilewalking towarda tavern, wewandereddownanarrowcobbledstreetandcameuponan Iraqi restaurant, AlMaskoof, thatoffereduniquefoodandfriendlyservice. Another timewalking alongPiccadillyStreetwenoticedanalleywitha lightedoutdoordiningspace and were pleasantly surprised by a great seafood restaurant. Our favorite dining experience was high tea at the Savoy Hotel with champagne, savory sandwiches, seasonal cakes, scones with clotted cream and of course tea. But the greatest gift of London was its international aspect. From the coat checkattendantfromBulgaria, to the lawyerfromBrazil thatwemet ina tavern, to the waiter from Sicily that greeted us each morning, London is friendly and welcoming.
$10 Off 1-Hour Massage Coupon must be presented at the appointment. No duplicates. Enjoy a therapeutic massage by our very own, Donna Channel, LMT, CMT. Each person can receive this service at a discounted price today!
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The Problem With Posture Working with a physical therapist can help you to identify whether or not your headaches may be the result of neck pain or strain. One of the most common causes of headaches due to neck pain is forward head position. Forward head position means that when you are resting your head, you are continuing to hold your head slightly forward, which is a type of slouching position. You can identify whether or not you have a forward head position by standing straight against the wall and determining whether or not your head rests against the wall as your back does. If your head does not touch the wall when you are standing straight, then you aren’t fully standing up straight! As years go by and day after day you continue to hold your head in this forward position, you can start to experience pain as a result of strain in the muscles of the neck. When this is an issue, working with a physical therapist may be able to help. Stretching the muscles in your neck to alleviate neck strain can reduce the severity and regularity of your headaches. Stretching the muscles that have grown tight along the back of your neck as well as those along the shoulders can help you find relief from the tension that is causing your pain. When dealing with neck pain, it is important to remember that safety has to come first. While there are many simple activities you can try at home to begin stretching your neck muscles, working with a physical therapist is the only way to ensure that you are stretching in a way that won’t potentially lead to greater injury. If you’re looking pain-free neck movement, see our Neck Pain Audit on the insertof thisnewsletter!Formore information,callAvenuesPhysicalTherapy at 307-634-0298 or visit our website avenuestherapyclinic.com.
(Continued from outside)
Thesepoorhabitsarecommon,andmostofusconsider them tobeharmless. Sure, you know it isn’t great for you, but what is actually going to happen? It’s a lot easier to slouch as you type, and who doesn’t want to catch a few late-night laughs as they fall asleep? But the reality is that these seemingly irrelevant habits could be putting undue stress on your neck, and if you aren’t careful, this could translate to regular and uncomfortable headaches that are difficult to get rid of.
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Did you know? Didyouknow that laughter isgood foryourheart? Itdiminishesstress and boosts the immune system. Even the simple act of smiling has a positive effect on happiness and physical health, helping the heart recover more quickly after stressful events. Smiling and laughter reduce blood pressure and releases serotonin and other natural pain killers.
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Did you know? Didyouknow that laughter’spositiveeffectsare instantaneous?Onceyoustart laughing, you immediately feel better and pain is perceived as less intense. These effects can last as long as 24 hours so laugh at least once a day!
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Level Expert
n°416609 - Level Expert
Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA
Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT
“When I first started working with Eric, I couldn’t raise my arm above shoulder level without a lot of pain. From driving to getting dressed in the morning was torture. Eric discovered that my strength and my range of motion were very weak in my rotator cuff. Over the next two months he worked with me to resolve these issues. He gave me homework that I did religiously and in two months, I felt like I had my shoulder back. Thank you so much!!” - Bryan D. “I felt like I had my shoulder back!”
“They made therapy as pleasant as possible!”
“OnChristmasEvemorning, Idecided togetanearlystartonsomepreparations for our Christmas dinner. For some unknown reason, I blacked out, fell and hurt my right shoulder and elbow, bruises in numerous places and a big knot on my head. When my husband saw what I had done, he insisted I see our doctor. After a CT scan, x-rays, blood work, etc., she said I needed physical therapy. I had difficulties with combing and shampooing my hair, carrying laundry up and down stairs, most household chores, writing Christmas thank you notes and finishing up with the holidays. When the doctor asked if I had a preference, I said “YES”! Several years ago I had both hips replaced, and both times I went to the Avenues clinic for my treatments. It wasn’t easy, but I have only good things to say about the clinic and its staff. Everyone there was very professional and made therapy as pleasant as possible. When I was released from the clinic, I was capable of doing all the things I had not been able to do without pain. Linda and Tawna, I especially thank you. You were my therapists, but everyone I came in contact with was so nice, considerate, and caring. They gave me a list of exercises to continue with at home. Again, thank you all.” - Erma T.
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Are you looking to experience your own success story with Avenues PhysicalTherapy?Call 307.634.0298 orvisit avenuestherapyclinic.com to schedule a consultation with a Physical Therapist today and start your path to recovery!
Last Month’s Winners Arlene Nelson & John Kenyon
This Could Be You! CALL TODAY! 307-634-0298
Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA
Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT
AVENUES PHYSICAL THERAPY NECK PAIN AUDIT Q: I woke up with a ‘kink’ in my neck 3 days ago and it hasn’t gone away. Can physical therapy help me? A: This is a common question, and one we hear from a lot of people. Before we answer this for you, we want to walk you through a simple test. We call it the ‘neck pain audit.’ It will tell us if PT can help you or not.
Part 1: The “Changing Lanes & Backing Your Car Up” Test 1. Sit in a chair keeping good posture. 2. Turn your head to the right as far as you can. 3. Turn your head to the left as far as you can. Is it harder to turn one way than the other? Or are they the same? If you felt pain, soreness or stiffness turning your head, then write it down here:
Part 3: The “Holding the Phone Between Your Shoulder & Ear” Test: 1. Sit in a chair keeping good posture. 2. Tilt your head to the right (right ear to right shoulder ...don’t scrunch your shoulder up). 3. Tilt your head to the left (same thing to the other side). Was one side tougher than the other? Write down what you felt:
Part 2: The “YES” Head Nod Test 1. Sit in a chair keeping good posture. 2. Look up as far as you can. (Tilt your head back like a PEZ dispenser). 3. Look down as far as you can. (Try to touch your chin to your chest). Did you have any pain, soreness or stiffness? If so, then write it down here. Note what you felt with what movement (example: ‘A deep ache in my right shoulder when I tucked my chin to my chest. Felt stiff.’):
Now that the test is done, let’s take a look at this. A really simple rule we use in PT is: if the pain is reproducible, then it’s reducible . This means that if one of these movements made your neck pain, soreness or stiffness worse, then there’s a good chance we can help you in physical therapy. So here’s what to do next: if you are ready to get rid of that kink in your neck so that you sleep better and don’t have pain at work, then complete this form and bring it with you to your FREE exam. At the FREE exam you will receive: • A detailed plan that explains where your pain is coming from • What successful treatment looks like • The cost and time needed to heal If you are ready to schedule your FREE exam, give us a call today! 307-634-0298
611 West 18th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001
FREE NECK EXAM CERTIFICATE Call 307-634-0298 today to schedule your free exam (limited to the first 15 callers). We need to limit this to the first 15 people to call because of our therapists’ schedules. If you or someone you know needs help, do not delay, this offer expires 04-30-2019.
P.S. If you have a friend or co-worker who’s rubbing their neck and want to help them, give them this sheet. Stop by our front desk to grab more copies.
CERVICAL RETRACTION Stand with your back against a wall. Position a rolled up towel behind your neck. Tuck chin like you are nodding ‘yes.’ Draw your chin closer to the back of your throat and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times. NECK SIDE FLEXION STRETCH Sit with good posture. Slowly lower your ear towards your shoulder as far as you comfortably can. Use your arm to guide your head slightly further until you feel a gentle stretch in your neck. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times on each side.
Quinoa &Lentil Stuffed Cabbage Rolls INGREDIENTS • 1 head of green cabbage For the Filling • 3/4 cup brown lentils • 3 cups water • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa • 1 cup vegetable broth • 1 small onion, diced • 1 tbsp vegetable oil • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar • 2 tbsp soy sauce • 1 tsp smoked paprika For the Sauce: • 1 (28 oz) can tomato puree • 1 tbsp maple syrup, or sweetener of choice • 1 1/2 tsp red wine vinegar • salt and pepper to taste
DIRECTIONS Begin boiling the cabbage in 3 in of water until the leaves peel off easily (about 20 min). When done, allow them to cool. While cabbage is simmering, bring lentils to a boil in a separate small saucepan. Lower heat and allow to simmer for 35 minutes, adding water to the pot as needed. Drain any excess liquid. While lentils simmer, place broth into another saucepan, add quinoa, and bring to a boil. Let simmer for 20 min until all of the water is absorbed (about 20 min). Cook onion with oil in a large skillet over medium heat until soft and translucent (about 5 min). Add 1 1/2 cups of the cooked lentils and 1 cup of the cooked quinoa, along with red wine vinegar, soy sauce,smokedpaprika, salt, andpepper to taste.Makesure ingredientsaremixed before removing from heat. Preheat the oven to 350°. Stir all sauce ingredients together in a small bowl, then distribute about 1/2 cup of the sauce into the bottom of 9 x 9 inch baking dish. After peeling leaves off of the cabbage head, roll about 3-4 tbsp of filling into the center of each leaf until all filling is used. Place each roll into the baking dish. Spoon remaining sauce over the rolls, cover and bake for 1 hour. Let the rolls cool before serving.
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