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Aftermanyweeksplanning traveldates,gettingpassports,bookingflightsand a hotel, my wife Nancy and I took one of the trips of our dreams. We traveled toLondonandspent9daysexploringnooksandcrannies,shops, foodcourts, West End plays and museums. Nancy loves toshop,but it’snotwhatyou think;notclothes,but food,different foods,uniquefoods.Soon thefirstdayaftervisiting theTowerofLondonwhere London’s bloody history began, we navigated the tube (London’s subway) up to Harrods. The food court is this amazing display of cheeses, cured meats, fish, desserts and pastries. On another day we couldn’t resist exploring one of London’s oldest shops, Fortnum & Mason founded in 1707 on Piccadilly Street, fine purveyors of just about everything from fruits & flowers to fine teas and wines. As much as Nancy loves food shopping, I love galleries and museums and London has no shortage of them. From the National Gallery, to the Portrait ERIC & NANCY IN LONDON No Referral, No Problem! Didyouknowwecanseeyou forPTwithorwithoutadoctororotherhealthcare providers referral?Oneofourphysical therapistswillevaluateyou,andcustomize a treatment plan to reduce your pain and get you moving better. Refer yourself or someone you care about! Nancy and her Scottish friend, Barbara take a walk through an English garden in the town of Battle.

Eric and Nancy enjoy high tea at the Savoy Hotel

Gallery to the Tate Modern, London provides so much that until now, I have only seen in print. One of the real joys I experienced was walking the streets and having a restaurantcatchmyeye.ComingoutofHarrodswhilewalking towarda tavern, wewandereddownanarrowcobbledstreetandcameuponan Iraqi restaurant, AlMaskoof, thatoffereduniquefoodandfriendlyservice. Another timewalking alongPiccadillyStreetwenoticedanalleywitha lightedoutdoordiningspace and were pleasantly surprised by a great seafood restaurant. Our favorite dining experience was high tea at the Savoy Hotel with champagne, savory sandwiches, seasonal cakes, scones with clotted cream and of course tea. But the greatest gift of London was its international aspect. From the coat checkattendantfromBulgaria, to the lawyerfromBrazil thatwemet ina tavern, to the waiter from Sicily that greeted us each morning, London is friendly and welcoming.


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