
SHORELINE behavioral health services


Empowering Youth and Young Adults: Shoreline Behavioral Health Services' Comprehensive Approach to Substance Use.

The Power of Persistence: Shoreline's Long-Term Recovery Support


Illuminating Minds: Shoreline's Educational Endeavors in Mental Health


and you’re halfway there halfway there


REACH OUT TODAY! 2404 Wise Road Conway, SC 29526 843-365-8884

S horeline Behavioral Health Services, located in Conway, SC, is dedicated to addressing alcohol and substance use disorders in Horry County by providing a comprehensive approach deeply root- ed in family-centered support and community involvement. The organization's commitment extends beyond individual treatment, emphasizing the crucial role of a supportive network in cultivating en- during recovery. At the core of our approach is the integration of family therapy, recognizing the interconnectedness of familial dynamics and their profound influence on an individual's well-being. By providing family services and actively promoting family engagement through ongoing progress updates and support therapy sessions, we foster an environment that acknowledges the intrinsic link between an individu- al's recovery and the overall health of their family unit. This inclusive approach not only supports the individual in their journey but also provides a platform for families to navigate challenges and heal collectively. We place a strong emphasis on community partnerships, embracing a system-based approach to treat- ment. By forging collaborations within the community, we ensure that individuals undergoing treat- ment are enveloped within a network of support that extends beyond traditional therapeutic bound- aries. This community-centric focus enables clients to draw strength from a broader support system, comprising community resources, peer networks, and localized assistance, thereby fortifying their resilience and bolstering their prospects for sustained recovery. Shoreline Behavioral Health Services: FOSTERING RECOVERY THROUGH FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

Our proactive vision for the future is underpinned by a commitment to safeguarding families and friends from opioid overdoses, reflecting its dedication to addressing the pervasive impact of sub-

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and envisioning a future focused on safe- guarding community well-being, Shoreline consistently demonstrates its sure commit- ment to empowering individuals on their path to recovery. As a result, our approach not only addresses the immediate challenges of addiction but also cultivates a resilient sup- port network that paves the way for enduring healing and restoration. shoreline Call: 843-365-8884

stance use disorders on both individuals and the community at large. This forward-thinking ap- proach underscores Shoreline's proactive efforts in promoting harm reduction and enhancing commu- nity well-being. Our Family Health Care plays a pivotal role in re- inforcing the organization's holistic support model, offering comprehensive care for all health needs. By integrating primary and urgent care, outpatient counseling, care coordination, laboratory testing, and an on-site pharmacy, our family health care creates a robust support system that caters to the di- verse needs of individuals seeking recovery, and by extension, their families. An integral component of our commitment to fam- ily-centered support is its specialized program de- signed for families with children of any age, demon- strating the organization's dedication to extending support to the broader family unit. This initiative prioritizes families residing within specific cities, highlighting our commitment to addressing the in- terdependence of familial well-being and individual recovery. Our efforts to incorporate family and community involvement into the recovery process underscore the understanding that sustainable recovery is not solely an individual endeavor but a collective jour- ney that requires the support of loved ones and the broader community. Through its multifaceted ap- proach, we show the importance of family-centered support, acknowledging that the journey toward recovery is often intertwined with the healing and empowerment of the entire familial and communal network. We epitomize a holistic and inclusive model of re- covery that places families and the community at the heart of the healing journey. By fostering fam- ily involvement, building community partnerships,

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Breaking Barriers: Shoreline's Innovative Approach to Mental Health Services

S horeline Behavioral Health Services is spear- heading an impressive approach to overcoming barriers to mental health services, revolution- izing access to care through proactive outreach programs and pioneering telehealth initiatives. In response to the pervasive challenges faced by underserved communities, the organization has embarked on a mission to dismantle barriers and widen the scope of mental health support, foster- ing a climate of inclusivity and empowerment. Central to our ethos is its commitment to break- ing down geographical barriers that often impede access to mental health services. By implement- ing targeted outreach programs, we endeavor to bridge the gap between communities and essen- tial mental health resources, ensuring that indi- viduals residing in remote or underserved areas have equitable access to the support they need.

This proactive approach not only diminishes the impact of geographic isolation but also cul- tivates a sense of connectedness, showing our dedication to extending its reach and impact across diverse demographics. In parallel, we have embraced the transforma- tive potential of telehealth, harnessing digi- tal platforms to provide virtual mental health services and consultations. Through the de- ployment of telehealth initiatives, we have transcended traditional barriers to care, em- powering individuals to seek support without the constraints of physical proximity. This in- novative paradigm enables individuals to en- gage with mental health professionals remote- ly, effectively dismantling logistical hurdles and enhancing the accessibility of vital mental health services.

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2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526

shoreline Call: 843-365-8884

Our telehealth initiatives have proven instru- mental in expanding the continuum of care, ensuring that individuals can seamlessly access a spectrum of mental health services ranging from initial assessments to ongoing therapy ses- sions. By leveraging technology to deliver per- sonalized care directly to individuals' homes, we have redefined the landscape of mental health services, advocating for a patient-cen-

encompass group therapy sessions and educa- tional workshops. This holistic approach shows our dedication to cultivating a supportive eco- system that goes beyond individualized care, promoting collective healing and resilience within communities.

Through strategic outreach programs, pioneer- ing telehealth initiatives, and a nuanced under-

tered model that prioritizes convenience, flexibility, and efficacy. In recognition of the multi- faceted challenges confronted by marginalized communi- ties, we have implemented specialized programs tailored to address the unique needs of diverse populations. By customizing outreach efforts and telehealth services to ac- commodate specific cultural, linguistic, and socioeconom- ic considerations, we have demonstrated a sure commit-

standing of diverse needs, we have redefined the contours of mental health support, advocating for an inclusive, accessible, and culturally responsive framework. By cham- pioning these groundbreaking initiatives, Shoreline has not only transformed the delivery of men- tal health services but has also ig- nited a paradigm shift, propelling the field of mental health care into a future marked by equity, empow- erment, and unwavering support for all.

ment to fostering an inclusive environment that respects and celebrates diversity. This targeted approach not only eliminates systemic barriers to care but also engenders a climate of cultural competence, nurturing trust and understand- ing within communities that have historically encountered disparities in mental health sup- port. Our telehealth initiatives have transcended the conventional boundaries of mental health care, extending beyond individual consultations to

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The Power of Persistence: Shoreline's Long-Term Recovery Support

S horeline Behavioral Health Services stands as a beacon of hope, exceptional in its commit- ment to encouraging enduring wellness through comprehensive aftercare programs and steadfast ongoing support. Recognizing that sustained re- covery extends far beyond the confines of initial treatment, we have pioneered a holistic approach that empowers individuals to navigate the com- plex journey towards long-term wellness with re- silience and fortitude. At the heart of our philosophy lies a profound understanding of the multifaceted challenges that accompany the pursuit of long-term recovery. To address this, we have meticulously crafted a range of aftercare programs designed to seamlessly com- plement the foundation laid during primary treat- ment. By offering tailored aftercare initiatives that encompass ongoing therapy, relapse prevention strategies, and life skills development, we pro- actively equipped individuals with the tools and resources essential for navigating the complexities of sustained recovery. Central to our aftercare paradigm is the empha- sis placed on fostering a supportive communi- ty that transcends the boundaries of traditional treatment. Through the cultivation of peer sup- port groups, alumni networks, and community engagement activities, we cultivate a nurturing ecosystem wherein individuals are enveloped by unwavering encouragement, understanding, and solidarity. This communal approach not only

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2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526

serves as a bastion of strength during challeng- ing times but also instills a sense of belonging and interconnectedness vital for sustained wellness. Our ongoing support initiatives extend be- yond the confines of scheduled appointments, embracing a dynamic model of care that is at- tuned to the evolving needs of individuals in long-term recovery. By offering continuous access to mental health professionals, support resources, and educational workshops, we seeksto empower individuals with the agency to proactively navigate the vicissitudes of life while upholding their commitment to wellness. This proactive stance not only mitigates the risk of relapse but also fosters a culture of empower- ment and self-efficacy, positioning individuals as active participants in their journey towards lasting recovery.

integrated lifestyle and wellness initiatives into its aftercare programs. Through offerings such as fit- ness programs, nutrition counseling, mindfulness practices, and vocational assistance, Shoreline en- deavors to nurture a comprehensive framework that attends to the diverse dimensions of an indi- vidual's well-being. This integrated approach not only bolsters physical and emotional resilience but also engenders a sense of purpose and fulfill- ment—a cornerstone of sustained recovery. Our long-term recovery support stands as a testa- ment to the transformative power of persistence, resilience, and unwavering commitment to well- ness. Through the seamless integration of after- care programs, community support, ongoing re- sources, and holistic wellness initiatives, Shoreline has amplified the prospect of sustained recovery, ushering individuals toward a future defined by endurance, growth, and unwavering vitality.

In recognition of the profound impact of ho- listic wellness on sustained recovery, we have

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Illuminating Minds: Shoreline's Educational Endeavors in Mental Health

S horeline Behavioral Health Services has embarked on an inspiring journey to magni- fy mental health awareness, prevention, and early intervention through a diverse array of educational initiatives. At the forefront of our educational initiatives is a comprehensive approach to mental health awareness, rooted in the ethos of destigma- tization and empowerment. By leveraging evidence-based education curricula tailored for diverse demographics, Shoreline aims to empower individuals with the acumen to rec- ognize, understand, and respond to mental health concerns in both personal and com- munal settings. This proactive stance fosters a culture of empathy and understanding, cre- ating supportive environments conducive to mental wellness. Central to our educational paradigm is the cultivation of preventative strategies designed 10 |

to intercept the onset of mental health challeng- es, thus averting potential adversities before they escalate. Through collaborative partnerships with educational institutions, community organiza- tions, and governmental entities, we disseminate best practices and resources aimed at fortify- ing the protective factors that underpin mental well-being, inscribing a narrative of resilience and empowerment within the community. Our educational efforts extend beyond mere awareness, converging toward the formulation and dissemination of early intervention strategies tailored to address the emergent needs of indi- viduals grappling with incipient mental health concerns. By furnishing educators, caregivers, and community members with the tools and pro- ficiency requisite for early detection and interven- tion, we seek to engender a proactive culture of support and care, championing timely, targeted interventions that guide individuals toward the

2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526

shoreline Call: 843-365-8884

path of expedited recovery and holistic well- ness.

prevention efforts resonate with the nuances and realities of the individuals they seek to empower, fortifying the efficacy and relevance of the educa- tional experience.

In recognizing the pivotal role of holistic education in nurturing mental well-be- ing, we embrace an interdis- ciplinary approach to mental health awareness and pre- vention, integrating insights aimed at fostering a rich tapestry of knowledge and understanding. By delving into diverse facets of mental health, including emotional regulation, stress manage- ment, interpersonal relation- ships, and resilience, Our treatment center endeavors

Our educational initiatives in mental health awareness, pre- vention, and early intervention stand as a beacon of enlighten- ment, illuminating minds and hearts with the wisdom, em- pathy, and resilience essential for fostering enduring mental well-being. By championing a holistic, inclusive educational paradigm, We have transcend- ed the confines of traditional mental health education, forg- ing a transformative legacy that

to cultivate a nuanced, multifaceted education- al ecosystem that enriches individuals with the wherewithal to navigate the complex terrain of mental wellness. Our educational initiatives are underpinned by the tenets of inclusivity and accessibility, tai- lored to resonate with diverse cultural, linguis- tic, and experiential contexts. By embracing a culturally competent educational framework, We ensure that mental health awareness and

empowers individuals with the knowledge, agen- cy, and compassion vital for nurturing resilient, thriving communities. | 11

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Empowering Youth and Young Adults:

cumstances of teens and young adults navigating the complexities of sub- stance use. With a resolute emphasis on privacy and confidentiality, certi- fied professionals provide a sanctuary of trust and understanding, offering individual, group, and family coun- seling both online and in-person. This personalized approach fos- ters an environment conducive to open, honest dialogue, nurturing the growth and well-being of youths as they navigate the intricate terrain of substance-related challenges. In tandem with its counseling ser- vices, we embark on an enlightening journey of education, illuminating youths with the multifaceted effects and risks associated with substance use. By imparting nuanced insights into the physiological, psycholog- ical, and social ramifications of substance consumption, Shoreline equips youths with the awareness and discernment necessary to make informed choices aligned with their holistic well-being. Moreover, the organization endeavors to cultivate alternative strategies to navigate peer pressure, fostering resilience and autonomy in the face of external in- fluences that may compromise their well-being.

Shoreline Behavioral Health Services' Comprehensive Approach to Substance Use.

I n the contemporary landscape, the allure of experi- mentation with substances casts a looming shadow over the formative years of countless adolescents and young adults. The prevalence of teen peer pressure to engage in the consumption of alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, or prescription drugs has reached unprecedented levels, permeating social spheres and prompting a dire need for intervention and guidance. Acknowledging this pressing reality, we stand as a steadfast ally, committed to empow- ering youths aged 12 to 20 with the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to make informed, resilient decisions in the face of substance use enticements.

Central to our educational paradigm is the cultivation of healthy commu-

In our proactive stance lies a comprehensive array of counseling services tailored to the unique needs and cir-

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2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526

shoreline Call: 843-365-8884

nication skills, serving as an indispensable tool for youths to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and challenges effectively. By fostering a culture of open, empathetic communication, we em- power youths to seek assistance, share their con- cerns, and forge meaningful connections that serve as bulwarks against the tides of substance use pressures. Our commitment extends beyond the realm of counseling and education, encompassing a spec- trum of services aimed at addressing the mul- tifaceted dimensions of substance-related chal- lenges. From intensive outpatient programs and DUI classes to alcohol, tobacco, drug, and anger management treatment, we offer a continuum of care tailored to the diverse needs of youths,

ensuring that comprehensive support is readily accessible.

In recognition of the complex interplay between mental health and substance use, we integrate medication-assisted treatment services (MAT) into its repertoire, catering to individuals grap- pling with concurrent challenges related to men- tal well-being and substance use. In acknowledgment of the intricate interplay be- tween substance use and mental health, we ad- dresse prevalent issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, and addictions, underlining its commit- ment to holistic, integrated care aimed at foster- ing enduring well-being among youths.

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Shoreline's Women's Recovery Center: Hope for Women in Crisis

A t Shoreline's Women's Recovery Center, we are dedicated to serving women ages 18 and over who are at risk of losing their children to foster care due to substance use. Pregnant women are given priority admission, ensuring that they receive the urgent care and support needed during this critical time. Accessible and Compassionate Care Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our Women's Recovery Center provides around-the- clock support for women in crisis. This ensures that individuals in need have access to essential services without the constraints of traditional business hours. Extensive Clinical Services Our commitment to providing effective support is reflected in the frequency and depth of our clini- cal services. With at least 40 hours of clinical services offered per week, including 6 hours of service each day from Monday to Friday and 5 hours of service on both Saturday and Sunday, we ensure consistent and accessible care for the women we serve. Diverse Payer and Funding Sources We understand the importance of financial accessibility when seeking recovery services. As a re- sult, we accept a variety of payer and funding sources, including self-pay, Medicaid, Managed Care Organizations (MCO), private insurance, and grants if applicable. By offering diverse funding sources, we ensure that our services remain accessible to those in need, regardless of their financial circumstances. Collaborative Referral Network We collaborate with a wide range of referral sources to ensure that women in crisis have access to the support they require. Our referral sources include the Department of Social Services (DSS), Waccamaw Center For Mental Health, Probate Court, SC Department of Probation Parole & Par-

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2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526

shoreline Call: 843-365-8884

don Services (SCDPPPS), Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Employee Assis- tance Programs, public/private hospitals and physicians, as well as self-referrals. This col- laborative network ensures that women have multiple pathways to accessing the care they need. Our Women's Recovery Center offers a wide array of specific services designed to address the multifaceted needs of our cli- ents. Our direct services include:

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Individual Therapy (IT) Family Therapy (FT) Family Support (FS)

Client Support Services (CSS)

Educational Services

Peer Support

Crisis and Case Management

• Discharge planning and utilization of the PAIRS program

Additionally, we provide physician monitoring and care as needed based on clinical judgment. For services beyond our scope, we offer referrals for Medication Assisted Treatment through the Center of Hope or other qualified physicians, Vo- cational Rehabilitation Services to assist with em- ployment needs, OB/GYN referrals for pregnant clients, and connections to any other providers who can assist with reintegrating.

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Diagnostic Assessment (DA)

Behavioral Health Screening (BHS) Service Plan Development (SPD)

Drug Screening (DS)

Individual and Group Substance Abuse Counseling (SAC) Individual and Group Psychosocial Re- habilitative Services (PRS)

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Shoreline's Comprehensive Adolescent Services: Guiding Youth Towards Renewal and Recovery

S horeline is committed to providing a diverse array of options for adolescents and children, offer- ing education services and treatment for substance use issues. Our specialized programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of adolescents, aiming to empower them with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary for healing and recovery. Support for Adolescents Adolescent groups at our center typically range in age from 12 to 18 years old. However, we under- stand that each case is unique, and special arrangements can be made for those younger than 12. We approach every case on an individual basis, ensuring that each adolescent receives the personalized support and care they require. Education and Substance Use Awareness Adolescents are educated about the effects and risks of substance use at our treatment center. Our programs focus on equipping adolescents with essential knowledge about the impact of substance

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2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526

shoreline Call: 843-365-8884

Evidence-Based Approach Our adolescent services are designed based on evidence-based practices that have demonstrated positive out- comes. By integrating clinical exper- tise with the latest research, we en- sure that our programs are grounded in best practices and tailored to meet the specific needs of adolescents. Our commitment to empowering adolescents through comprehensive education and treatment services re- flects our dedication to guiding youth towards renewal and recovery. By providing specialized support, sub- stance use awareness, healthy coping skills, and promoting family involve- ment, we aim to create a nurturing environment where adolescents can overcome challenges and embrace a brighter future. Our evidence-based approach and individualized care en- sure that each adolescent receives the support they need to thrive and make positive choices for their well-being. Together, we can empower adoles- cents to navigate the complexities of adolescence and emerge stronger, healthier, and more resilient.

abuse on their lives and well-being. By raising aware- ness and providing factual information, we empower adolescents to make informed decisions about their health and future. Building Healthy Coping Skills In addition to substance use education, adolescents are taught alternative activities and coping skills. Our programs emphasize the importance of developing healthier ways to navigate challenges and manage emotions. By instilling effective coping mechanisms, we aim to empower adolescents with the tools they need to make positive choices and navigate life's com- plexities. Peer Pressure and Communication Adolescents also learn strategies to deal with peer pressure and develop healthier communication skills. Our goal is to equip them with the confidence and re- silience to resist negative influences and cultivate pos- itive relationships. By fostering effective communica- tion, we empower adolescents to express themselves and seek support when needed. Encouraging Family Involvement We recognize the vital role that family plays in the re- covery process for adolescents. We offer family ser- vices and encourage active family involvement. This includes regular progress updates and family support/ therapy sessions. Research has consistently shown that family involvement in a child’s treatment significantly increases the likelihood of a successful outcome. By nurturing a supportive family environment, we aim to create a strong foundation for lasting recovery and renewal.

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Call: 843-365-8884

2404 Wise Road, Conway, SC 29526

Seeking treatment for problem substance use can be a difficult choice. Maybe you worry about the treatment process, the financial difficulties, or maybe you’re not sure you even need professional help? If these thoughts grip you, we want to assure you you’ve come to the right place.

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