
shoreline Call: 843-365-8884

nication skills, serving as an indispensable tool for youths to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and challenges effectively. By fostering a culture of open, empathetic communication, we em- power youths to seek assistance, share their con- cerns, and forge meaningful connections that serve as bulwarks against the tides of substance use pressures. Our commitment extends beyond the realm of counseling and education, encompassing a spec- trum of services aimed at addressing the mul- tifaceted dimensions of substance-related chal- lenges. From intensive outpatient programs and DUI classes to alcohol, tobacco, drug, and anger management treatment, we offer a continuum of care tailored to the diverse needs of youths,

ensuring that comprehensive support is readily accessible.

In recognition of the complex interplay between mental health and substance use, we integrate medication-assisted treatment services (MAT) into its repertoire, catering to individuals grap- pling with concurrent challenges related to men- tal well-being and substance use. In acknowledgment of the intricate interplay be- tween substance use and mental health, we ad- dresse prevalent issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, and addictions, underlining its commit- ment to holistic, integrated care aimed at foster- ing enduring well-being among youths.

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