S horeline Behavioral Health Services, located in Conway, SC, is dedicated to addressing alcohol and substance use disorders in Horry County by providing a comprehensive approach deeply root- ed in family-centered support and community involvement. The organization's commitment extends beyond individual treatment, emphasizing the crucial role of a supportive network in cultivating en- during recovery. At the core of our approach is the integration of family therapy, recognizing the interconnectedness of familial dynamics and their profound influence on an individual's well-being. By providing family services and actively promoting family engagement through ongoing progress updates and support therapy sessions, we foster an environment that acknowledges the intrinsic link between an individu- al's recovery and the overall health of their family unit. This inclusive approach not only supports the individual in their journey but also provides a platform for families to navigate challenges and heal collectively. We place a strong emphasis on community partnerships, embracing a system-based approach to treat- ment. By forging collaborations within the community, we ensure that individuals undergoing treat- ment are enveloped within a network of support that extends beyond traditional therapeutic bound- aries. This community-centric focus enables clients to draw strength from a broader support system, comprising community resources, peer networks, and localized assistance, thereby fortifying their resilience and bolstering their prospects for sustained recovery. Shoreline Behavioral Health Services: FOSTERING RECOVERY THROUGH FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT
Our proactive vision for the future is underpinned by a commitment to safeguarding families and friends from opioid overdoses, reflecting its dedication to addressing the pervasive impact of sub-
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