Mitigate bias, improve fairness and assure regulatory compliance by examining how methods such as synthetically generated data, human in the loop, differential privacy or maintaining a diverse AI team could be used in your AI development. ■ Develop relevant offerings by ensuring your product aligns with insurance-specific compliance challenges introduced by both geographic and industry-level regulations. Assist insurers with prebuilt test scripts and reports that can be used to demonstrate compliance to regulators. ■ Increase user trust and drive AI adoption by incorporating the necessary elements of responsible AI (such as data inspection, what-if tools, open-source fairness and explainability libraries) into your offerings. Participate in industry or societal AI groups to ensure wider benefit. ■
Recommended Reading:
A Comprehensive Guide to Responsible AI
Incorporate Explainability and Fairness Within the AI Platform ■
Best Practices for the Responsible Use of Natural Language Technologies ■
Activate Responsible AI Principles Using Human-Centered Design Techniques ■
How to Ensure Your Vendors Are Accountable for Governance of Responsible AI ■
Technologies or Trends Added or Dropped We have added the following new emerging technologies to the Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence for Insurance:
Computer Vision
Intelligent Applications
Natural Language Processing
Decision Intelligence
Generative AI
Graph Technologies
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