King's Business - 1958-10

cross daily, and follow me.” Every word is pregnant here, the “ taking up” — the acceptance by the re­ generate will, with a true surren­ der, of whatever may be meant by the cross! And then, the cross! Ob­ serve, it is not the yoke, the burden, but the cross — a word of very defi­ nite imagery; a thing to be carried indeed, as any burden is to be car­ ried — but whither, and why? To a Calvary, and because of a cruci­ fixion to be done there. The “ self” just “ denied,” just ignored, rejected, is to be also bound and nailed as to a Roman cross, and this with the consenting act of the regenerate will, which has taken up that cross for that end. And then, “ daily” ! Therefore, for one thing, there is a somewhat to be daily crucified. Here is one inexhaustible paradox of this great matter; on one side a true and total self-denial, on the other, a daily need of self-cruci­ fixion. This is a thing which I am content simply to state, and to leave it as the Lord’s word upon the be­ liever’s mind and soul. But daily; without intermission, without holiday; now, today, this hour; and then, tomorrow! And the daily cross; a something which is to be the instrument of disgrace and execution to something else! And w’hat will that something be? Just whatever gives occasion of ever deeper test to the self-surrender of which we have spoken; just what­ ever exposes to shame and death the old aims and purposes and plans of the old spirit of self and its life. Perhaps some great anguish on another’s behalf threatens you. Yes­ terday you shrank from it, you stumbled at it, very largely, if not mainly, because of what it would inflict on self. Today you take it up, as a cross, and upon it you execute that thought; and now your pain is pure pain, pain for the sake of an­ other’s soul and of the glory of God. Perhaps it is some small trifle of daily routine; a crossing of personal preference in very little things; ac­ cumulation of duties, unexpected interruption, unwelcome distrac­ tion. Yesterday these things merely fretted you and, internally at least, upset you. Today, on the contrary, you take them up and stretch your hands out upon them and let them be the occasion of new disgrace and

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