King's Business - 1958-10

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. . . the way to their hearts

srgk R h r s

Christian Education Issue

Sirs: I found your June articles en­ titled “ The Day School Business” and particularly the “Modem Ed­ ucation” article by Mark Fakkema to be not only interesting but thought-provoking. This subject should be prayerfully meditated by every Christian parent. However, the answer isn’t always the Chris­ tian school, as for financial and geo­ graphical reasons many cannot use this means of meeting the atheistic pressures on our schools. Glendale, Calif. D. C. Johnston Taking a Stand Sirs: We admire the manner in which you bring up the controversial is­ sues, carefully commenting on them before your readers even when you feel it may temporarily cost the support of a few subscribers. It is causing this reader to put K.B. at the top of the “must-be-sure-to- read” pile of reading here at home. Los Angeles, Calif. Ben Webb Christianity Issue Sirs: Those “ First Person Accounts of Living Christianity” were excellent and inspiring. In fact the issue was unique. We’ve been praying for souls as a result. St. Petersburg, Fla. Althea Miller Sirs: The Fourth Annual Christianity Issue of T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s is outstanding in a number of ways. The cover is well worth framing, and most of the articles are excep­ tional. Warrenville, III. Miles J. Stanford Appreciation Sirs: I am a college freshman in one of the local colleges. Your maga­ zine is helping me much especially since I am in a school where Cath­ olic practices are being closely ob­ served. I canndt give any appro­ priate word to aptly convey my ap­ preciation for the timely, evangeli­ cal, gospel messages in T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s . I receive a blessing through its heart-searching, scrip­ tural articles. Iloile City, Philippines Eduardo Makiling

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