King's Business - 1958-10

1958 Golden Jubilee BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 1908

■K Schools

Bible Institute . . .

Two-year course o f intensive Bible instruction.

BIOLA College . . .

Four-year course with various majors available leading to the bachelor o f arts degree.

Talbot Theological Seminary . . .

Three-year post-graduate course open to men possessing the B.A. degree from a recog­ nized college or university, leading to the bachelor o f divinity degree.

School of Missionary Medicine . . .

One year post-graduate course open to missionaries, missionary candidates, and ap­ pointees. Training leads to licensed vocational nurse’s degree.

¥ Public Services Radio . . .

Three weekly network broadcasts . . . Daily Bible studies . . . New Southland FM broadcasting station.

Films . . .

Complete library o f missionary, Bible-teaching and inspirational motion pictures avail­ able to churches and religious groups.

King’s Business . . .

This monthly publication is "dedicated to the spiritual development o f the Christian home.” The West’s largest and leading evangelical publication.

MMinistries t

Correspondence & Evening Schools . . .

More than 4,000 people enrolled yearly in BIOLA’s various correspondence courses. Scores more attend Southland evening schools in surrounding churches.

Hong Kong . . .

A complete missionary organization in the Orient including church, gospel bookstore, youth center, Christian schools, and medical dispensary.

Bookrooms . . .

Two large Southern California Christian supply centers are equipped to furnish the finest material in this field. One is located adjoining BIOLA’s downtown headquarters, the other is in Glendale. Speakers, teachers, musicians, student teams sent out to hundreds o f churches annually. The Torrey Memorial Bible Conference brings the challenge o f Bible study at the first o f each year to churches throughout Southern California.

Meetings . . .

Descriptive literature regarding each o f the above ministries available upon request from

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California

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