King's Business - 1958-10

violently and bitterly anti-Chris­ tian. His heart will be filled with the most vehement hatred and blas­ phemy against God. His lips will overflow with the vilest and most wicked oaths and denunciations of God and Christ. The text says that he “ shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods.” This should be translated in the sense here indicated, that he will speak with terrible blasphemy against the God of gods. It may seem to some inconceiv­ able that God in heaven should al­ low such a person to live and breathe on the earth, but we must remember that all these things are allowed until “ the indignation be accomplished.” T h e n God w i l l thunder His voice in the most ter­ rific judgments the world has ever witnessed. Then the cup of the wrath of God’s indignation will be filled. Now, while it is not specifically stated here, we are given to know from other passages of Scripture that the whole world will follow this dictator. As he blasphemes, so will they blaspheme. As he is vio­ lently and vilely anti-Christian, so will they follow in his steps. Nor will God forget this; for that will be a time of His fierce wrath, to be visited upon the antichrist, Satan, and all his henchmen, and the in­ habitants of the earth who worship him. 3) “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers.” Twice this statement is made he re . It is thought by many Bible students that the words, “ the God of his fathers,” definitely ident i fy this superman as a Jew since this is distinctly a Jewish phrase. Then, too, we know that this one shall be received by the Jewish people as their Messiah; and we are sure that the Jews would never countenance anyone for such an exalted position who was not a member of the prom­ ised nation. Then, as it is Satan who perpetrates this, the greatest of all frauds, upon the people of the earth, he would not stumble over this matter of failing to have this

our with gold, and silver, and with p r e c i ou s stones , and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.” Now here are a great number of very interesting things. Please bear in mind that to Daniel in Babylon was given the privilege of looking down the centuries to focus his vi­ sion on the superman who will rule the world for a short space of time, not for God, but for the devil. And please note, with me, the things which the Spirit of God has caused to be recorded here concerning that superman: 1) “ The king shall do according to his will.” That is, he will be an absolute dictator. We have been p r i v i l e g e d to see dictators with varying degrees of power. Some must consult their advisers before they can act. Others have a repre­ sentative government, or parlia­ ment of some sort. Here, however, is a man who will do only and al­ ways according to his own will. And when we understand that to this one the wisdom and shrewd­ ness of Satan himself will be given, we can readily understand that he will be “miles ahead” of the most brilliant statesmen the world has ever seen. First, in his self-will, he will exalt himself above all others in the world. 2) “He shall . . . magnify him­ self above every god.” He will be a blasphemous infidel. In 2 Thessa- lonians 2:4, to which we referred above, we read concerning this one, that he “ opposeth and exalteth him­ self above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” This blasphemer will be permitted by God to do all this; for all this “ is determined” against him and against Satan, in order for God to accomplish His purpose with Israel and with the world. Not only will this world dictator be unchristian, but he will also be


H ow v e r y significant these prophecies become when they are interpreted by recent events. You well know that it was the dream of Mussolini’s life to restore the an­ cient Roman Empire and bring to it a new glory that would even sur­ pass that of the days of the Caesars. Please bear in mind that the prin­ cipal personage of this time of the end is not to be the dictator of the northern confederacy, nor yet the mighty head of the army of 200 million from the Far East. The devil’s masterpiece will be the head of the revived Roman Empire. It is to this one that Satan will delegate “ his throne, and great authority” (Rev. 13:1,2, ASV). The Bib l e tells of the exceeding cunning and subtlety of Satan. And this subtlety will, in a great measure, be given to the one who is to rule in the re­ vived Roman Empire. With this wisdom which will be more than human, Satan’s man will be able to deceive, and thus to rule, the na­ tions of the world. Turn with me to Daniel 11:36-39 for a complete and life-sized picture of this man: “ And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he hon­


The King's Business/October 1958

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