King's Business - 1958-10

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"The hush of heart in God's presence, the hearing of His Word by the inner ear, and the heart response to His will— that is Chapel!” — Dr. V. R. Edman, president

One of the richest con- tributions Wheaton makes to a student’s life is the experience of daily worship as a c o l l e g e f a m i l y in chapel.”— Evan Welsh, College chaplain

: C E N T E N N I A L : P R O J E C T S N EW C H A P E L -A U D IT O R IU M

Once again the Wheaton family, on and off campus, is praying, planning and working enthusiastically for the completion o f several much-needed projects as the Centennial year, 1960, draws near. The most pressing need is a chapel—the daily spiritual focal point o f Wheaton’s college life. Pierce Memorial Chapel, scene o f many decisions for Christ through the years, has served the College well. But today it is wholly inadequate to accommodate the student body o f more than 1,700 and a faculty and staff o f approximately 300. In the event o f rain, there is no auditorium on campus large enough for commencement or other special events now being held out-of-doors. During our century of growth . . . The prayerful, generous stewardship o f many friends interested in Christian education has helped to prepare thousands o f young people for Christian service and leadership in the Church, on mission fields, in education, the professions and business. By sharing today in Wheaton’s careful building program, you invest wisely in Christ-directed youth.

. . . seatin g 3 ,0 0 0 and co stin g about $1,500,000. This project is being spear­ headed by the loyal alumni who are seek- ingto raise $500,000 to assure completion for the 1960 commencement exercises. Fund to date totals about $750,000 in gifts and pledges. The alumni also are working hard to increase their annual givingtoward faculty- staff support, from $36,000 to $72,000 by the Centennial year. N EW G Y M N A S IU M This project is well on the way, with about $300,000 given or committed. $2,000,000 E N D O W M E N T FUND Much interest is being shown in this project aimed to further strengthen Wheaton’s academic program. Some $900,000 has been committed toward the goal. Chapel project affords excellent opportu­ nity for the establishment of memorials.

"Many alumni testify that the daily chapel services meant more to them than anything else at Wheaton."— Ed Coray, alumni secretary

Wheaton is grateful for all who have sup­ ported this ministry through the years. Addedfacilities mean increased operational costs, so every gift, great or small, toward the general expenses o f the school is deeply appreciated.

W H E A T O N CQIÉLEGE W h e a t o n • i l u n o i s | ‘ F O R C H R I S T A N D H I S K I N G D O M 1 S I N C E 1860

Please direct your gifts or inquiriqjjfol further information to the Business Manager, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois.

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