College – Issue 34

Ideas to inspire

Our parent information evenings and Thought Leaders at College events, where we invite leading experts in their respective fields to talk to our community, are always interesting, thought- provoking and insightful. In November 2017, American psychotherapist and mental health and addiction expert Nicholas Kardaras talked about the effect technology and screen time can have on children, their developing brains, social skills and personalities. Nicholas discussed the many factors involved in the global tech epidemic, explained how too much screen time too soon can be damaging, and suggested ways families can help their children beat their digital addiction. On a similar theme, in January 2018, internet safety and risk assessment consultant John Parsons gave a presentation about staying safe in the digital world. With technology and the internet now playing a huge part in our lives, John outlined and offered plenty of practical tips about how to manage online risks. Away from screens and on to sport, but also in January, Director of Education at AFL SportsReady Matthew Scholes ran one session for College’s sports coaches and another for parents on the benefits of applying the principles of positive psychology in sport. He described how teams and individuals who are coached using a positive psychology or positive sports coaching approach tend to perform better under pressure, are generally more resilient and optimistic, and have a greater sense of wellbeing. In March, psychologist Lea Waters shared – in a series of workshops for teachers and to a capacity audience at an evening presentation – how positive psychology and a strengths-based approach to teaching and parenting can enhance wellbeing and help children and young people thrive. In April, drug and alcohol educator Paul Dillon talked to boys in Years 11, 12 and 13 during the day and to parents at an evening presentation, about how to stay safe in environments where alcohol and drugs are present. With his talks tailored for the different year groups, as well as for adults, Paul used humour and plenty of anecdotes from his vast experience in the field to get this important message across.

College Issue 34 2018


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