College – Issue 34

MAJOR PRIZE WINNERS Prize-giving 2017

Citations from Rob Donaldson – Deputy Principal

Ben Marshall-Lee

Head Prefect’s Prize and the Ormsby Medal

“The Head Prefect’s role is challenging. The Head Prefect has to represent the interests of his peers, the junior boys and be loyal to the school. He is often called upon at short notice to deal with problems and resolve conflicts. Our Head Prefect this year, Ben, has shown great determination and resilience in the performance of his duties. He is cheerful, determined, enthusiastic and self-disciplined. Above all, he is known for his positive and optimistic demeanour. He also gets on very well with students of all ages, as well as the staff. Ben was always focused on improving the school and he enjoyed being part of the growth of the student voice. He particularly liked the idea of boys being more proactive and taking ownership of the school and of their own conduct. Ben was determined to implement ideas that came from the ranks of the students and he introduced the activity sessions on Upper so that juniors could socialise and have fun. He led the prefect team effectively. He has represented the school with pride on many occasions and is an excellent ambassador for College. We thank him for all that he has done and wish him all the best for the future.” “The winner of this prestigious prize has shown great dedication in his pursuit of academic excellence. William is the holder of a Gold Tie and has superb NCEA results both in terms of total credits at Excellence, as well as the percentage of Excellence grades received relative to his total credits. William has received a Top Achiever Scholarship from the University of Auckland and an Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship from the University of Otago. William has achieved all of this while involved in the full co-curricular life of the school. He played badminton and tennis and was a member of the school orchestra and involved in chamber music, earning an Honours Tie for instrumental music for his excellent contribution. He was also a member of the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Symphony Orchestra in 2015 and 2016. We congratulate William on his dedication, and his determination to reach the highest scholastic standards.” William Ju Wacher Prize for Academic Head of School

Christ’s College Canterbury


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