

Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — May 25 - June 7, 2012 — 29A


ssociated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national association 74 chapters representing 22,000 merit shop firms There is no better time to join an ABC Chapter A and business development through an online contractor search directory.

The construction industry environment ASA: the united voice dedicated to improving

voice of and leads trade contrac- tors to improve the business environment for the construc- tion industry and to serve as a steward for the community. ASA Values: The ideals and beliefs of ASA are ethical and equitable business practices, quality construction, a safe and healthy work environment, integrity and membership diversity.

ASA Vision: The American Subcontractors Association is recognized as the united voice

ABC’s mission is the ad- vancement of the merit shop construction philosophy, which encourages open competition and a free-enterprise approach that awards contracts based solely on merit, regardless of labor affiliation. Through its national office and chapters, ABC’s objective is to provide its members with an organization to deal with issues on an industry-wide basis. ABC’s activities include gov- ernment representation, legal advocacy, education, workforce development, communications, technology, recognition through national and chapter awards programs, employee benefits, information on best practices by the New Jersey Commu- nity College Consortium for Workforce and Economic De- velopment. Community Col- leges across the state have programs available with NO COST TO YOUR COMPANY . In order to participate in these courses, you must be a New Jersey based employer, and only full time NJ employees ton, Carbon, Monroe, Luzerne, Pike, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Wayne, and Susquehanna Counties. Schuylkill and Berks Counties are shared with the ABC Keystone Chapter. We believe construction contracts should be awarded to the low- est responsible bidder. ABC of Eastern PA www.abceastpa.org ABC of Central PA www.abccentralpa.org ABC of New Jersey www.abcnjc.org

dedicated to i mp r o v i n g the business environment in the con- struction in- dustry.

with 74 chapters representing 22,000 merit shop construc- tion and construction-related firms with nearly two million employees. ABC’s membership represents all specialties within the U.S. construction industry and is comprised primarily of firms that perform work in the industrial and commercial sec- tors of the industry. ABC is the construction in- dustry’s voice with the legis- lative, executive and judicial branches of the federal govern- ment and with state and local governments, as well as with the news media. ABC education programs at no cost to your company You can have your NJ em- ployees trained, at no charge to your company, in computers, mathematics, verbal and writ- ten communications and Eng- lish as a second language. The NJ ABC is utilizing training resources provided The Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter of ABC represents more than 500 members and is one of the leading chapters in the country. Our members are located in Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Northamp- The Central Pennsylvania Chapter offers our members many opportunities to promote their services: Business referral through the Chapter and other members. The Chapter’s User’s Guide published and distributed on an annual basis. Varied opportunities for net- working at: • Dinner and Committee Meet-

ABC was founded in 1950 when seven contractors gath- ered in Baltimore, MD to create an association based on the shared belief that construction projects should be awarded on merit to the most qualified and responsible low bidders. Their courage and dedication to the merit shop philosophy spread rapidly, and within time, ABC became the fastest-growing as- sociation in the United States. Today, ABC is recognized as one of the leading organizations representing America’s busi- ness community and the merit shop construction industry. The courses are NO COST TO YOUR COMPANY, how- ever, the employer must pay the employee to attend. The NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development tracks training using social security numbers – SSN’s must be pro- vided. We help our members grow by ensuring that merit con- tractors can compete freely and openly in the marketplace. Through our efforts we hope to help our members build better companies and build better lives. ABC members of matters that impact their businesses and the construction industry as a whole. ABC members give testimony and lobby for legisla- tion and regulations that affect the Merit Shop Philosophy. Our National Legislative Confer- ence gathers ABC members from all parts of the country to carry our message to Capitol Hill. can attend the training.

The American Subcontrac- tors Association amplifies the

ASA of Western PA www.asawpa.org

Why Join ASA?

our mission statement and goals, below, which outline the many reasons why member- ship in ASA of WPA is enjoy- able and rewarding.

There are numerous ben- efits to membership in ASA of WPA. We invite you to read

ASA of Baltimore www.asa-baltimore.com

American Subcontractors Association (ASA) of Bal- timore, a non-profit trade association, was established June 12, 1967 to address the business problems that affect subcontractors of all trades. We are a chapter of theAmeri- can Subcontractors Associa- tion, which is headquartered in Alexandria, VA As of June, 2010 the Bal- timore chapter listed 123 companies as members. About 76% of those companies were subcontractors and/or manu- facturer/suppliers of construc- The New Jersey Subcon- tractors Association (NJSA), founded in October 1968, is a non-profit, membership, trade association representing sub- contractors, specialty trade contractors and suppliers. NJSA is the only New Jersey construction association that concentrates exclusively on the business issues affecting all subcontractors, specialty trade contractors and suppliers. NJSA emphasizes needed reforms on such issues as prompt payment, retainage, surety bonding, lien rights, bidding practices and entitlement to payment.

tion products and equipment. The other 24% of our mem- bers provided professional services to the subcontractor. ASA members are both union and non-union contractors and include all of the special- ties, from excavation through roofing. We do not concern our- selves with technical matters or labor relations -- we leave that to the specialty trade groups. Our emphasis is on helping our members run their business more effectively and profitably.

NJSAconcentrates issues affecting all subcontractors, specialty trade contractors & suppliers www.njsubcontractors.org

NJSA consists of close to 200 individual firm members representing a broad cross section of specialty trade sub- contractors throughout New Jersey. NJSA members work in electrical, mechanical, dry- wall, plaster, steel, masonry, painting, concrete, plumbing, roofing, excavating and nearly every other specialty trade in the construction industry. Members are also suppliers to the construction industry such as insurance, consulting & ma- terials, - almost every construc- tion industry need is offered through other members.

ings • Seminars and Workshops • Various Social Events. • Legislation-Government Re- lations ABC maintains a visible presence at all levels of govern- ment. ABC’s National Government Regulations department moni- tors legislation and regulations in Washington, D.C., alerting

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