
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Managers & Developers — May 25 - June 7, 2012 — 31A


New Jersey Apartment Association www.njaa.com

Education for Leasing Agents:

Enhance your professional growth in the apartment industry by becoming a National Apartment Leasing Professional (NALP) and take your career to the next level. NALP training helps you lease apartments, satisfy your residents and increase your resident retention. The National Apartment Association Education Institute (NAAEI) offers this nationally recognized designation to apartment industry professionals who have at least six months of experience and who are looking to advance their career in apartment management. NALP training covers: • Keys to Success in Leasing • Leasing and the Internet • Leasing Demonstration and Resolving Objections • Legal Aspects • Rental Policies and Procedures • Telephone Presentations • The Leasing Interview and Qualifying Residents • The Market Survey Presentation Designated Striver?

NALP Designation - June 12 & 13, 2012

What’s Your Property’s Biggest Leasing Challenge? Qualifying prospective residents? Identifying the prospective resident’s needs and wants? Determining when it’s time to close? What about that irate resident in apartment 204?

Register now for NAA’s National Apartment Leasing Professional (NALP) designation classes on June 12-13, 2012 at NJAAHeadquarters in Monroe Township. Students will enjoy 2 days of fast-paced learning from Marla Posey, Morgan Properties. Six (6) months of relevant industry experience is a prerequisite. The designation will be awarded to students who are in attendance for two full days of instruction, receive a passing grade on the final exam and achieve satisfactory completion on a market survey presentation. Fees: $375 for members, $475 for non-members (continental breakfast and lunch included).

Learn more about how you can earn your designation. Visit www.naahq.org or www.ApartmentCareerHQ.org You’re already a Success. Become a Certified Success.

NAA Education Institute │ 4300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22203 703/518-6141 │ 703/248-8370 FAX │ education@naahq.org

Visit www.njaa.com for more information

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