
38A — May 25 - June 7, 2012 — Owners, Managers & Developers — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


The New Jersey Carpenter Contractor Trust www.njcct.org.

Communication: The Key to Carpenter & Contractor Success For real-estate developers in New Jersey who need qualified and reliable workers for their projects, there is good news. The carpenters of tomorrow are here today, prepared to help you solve those seemingly endless construction problems. The “typical” union carpenter today brings with him or her a degree of skill, education and outlook that reflects the growing sophistication of our construction industry. Today’s union carpenter might still complete the renovation of a retail store, or you might find him handling the complexities of building a nuclear power plant or employing green building initiatives and technologies in ever-more tightly constructed, environmentally sound buildings. Supporting the union carpenter is a management team that expects and looks forward to working with developers in a collaborative spirit, on every project. “We understand that developers are under tremendous pressure to meet building and zoning requirements, and they face the added pressure of budget, deadlines and unexpected problems,” says Troy Singleton, President of the New Jersey Carpenter Contractor Trust. “We make it a priority to work in a cooperative spirit with our developers to ensure that we not only understand their concerns but that we deliver what we promise.” A union contractor and his highly trained workforce will provide the skill, experience and dedication to every project, allowing the developer the added comfort of knowing the project will finish on time and on budget, Singleton says. He also stresses that in addition to the higher skill level and experience that union carpenters demonstrate; they are also meticulous about following safety procedures that prevent injury on a project, thus protecting workers, property and schedules. Singleton explains that real estate professionals will find a thriving, cooperative spirit when working with union carpenters and contractors. “We see labor and management as value-added partners,” says Singleton. By embracing this perspective, all parties involved are much closer to a positive and successful conclusion for every project, he says. The key to the successful completion of a project by developers and union contractors rests on a simple but time-proven formula: good communication. It might seem simple, but it is not simplistic. “The very act of initiating and maintaining good communications is the first step of demonstrating honesty and good will, the foundation of every successful enterprise,” says Singleton. By carefully listening to the builder’s needs and working in conjunction with the experienced pool of union carpenters available throughout the state, this team approach is your best guarantee for a successful project from beginning to end.”

For more information, contact Dannyelle Zywan, Program Director, New Jersey Carpenter Contractor Trust, (732) 225-1300, dzywan@njcct.org or visit www.njcct.org.

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