Your renewal time is also a terrific opportunity to ensure your account information is up to date, so be sure to check your profile information and make up- dates as needed. Upon receiving your notice, you can renew by logging in here.
If you are the representative for your company’s membership, you can also renew the company membership online. If you have any questions or need to make changes to the staff included in your company’s membership benefit, don’t hesitate to reach out to the membership team. Whether you’re an individual member or a company representative, the membership team is here to help you. Call us at 800.242.7405 (USA and Canada toll-free) or +1 813.979.1991 Ext. 3 or write us at BICSI Headquarters is open Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM ET.
We look forward to the continued opportunity to support you in your professional growth. See you in Orlando for BICSI Winter 2024! Regards, Kevin Minot, MS Membership & Volunteer Services Manager
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