King's Business - 1961-04

MOODY ANNUITIES oro Safe . . . Sound and Satisfying

and with a Moody Survivorship Annuity

. . .

Prayer is the key of the day and the lock of the night. * * * AN OLD ALLEGORY The devil once decided to go out of business and so he tried to sell all of his tools. They were all attractively displayed, among which were: Trickery, Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, Malice, Deceit, Sensuality, and many other evil tools, each marked with a price. But in the center was a wedge shaped, much worn tool, priced higher than all the others. “What is that?” Satan was asked. “ That is discouragement,” he replied. “ But WHY so costly?” “ Because it can do ALL my evil work so much better than all the other tools. With IT I can make the lives of many choice folk of no value whatsoever. I can make them lie down and just “ give up” completely. They become useless, and what’s better, they don’t even stop to realize that I am the one who uses the tool so effectively.” * * * It's asobering fact that with every breath we draw , . . four more people in heathen darkness pass into hell not hav­ ing heard the Gospel, * * * TALITHA CUMI “And He took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being inter­ preted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise." “ Little girl, stand up"— Hear Jesus speak. Sweet child, thy form so still, the recent tear A pearl of sadness on thy now-cold cheek; It is the Master speaks— Is there some little hope that thou canst hear? "Little girl, stand up"— Hear Jesus call. Thine eyelids fluttered while His voice yet spake; Thy bosom moved with gentle rise and fall; It is the Master calls— Oh, is it possible that thou wilt wake? "Little girl, stand up"— Hear Jesus' voice. Thine eyes gaze round, then thou dost lightly stand And rush into our arms: our aching hearts rejoice; It is the Master's voice— It is the Saviour who has clasped thy hand." — Paul I. Holliday


Providing for loved o n e s . . . When you go to be with the Lord, M o o d y S u rviv orsh ip annu ities provide your loved ones with the same regular, generous returns that you received during your life­ time. Dividends from securities and other investments may fluctuate, but your M oody annuity returns always remain the same for you and your survivors—regardless of econom ic conditions. For more than fifty years, the Institute has paid all returns in full and on time. Annuities are not subject to legal controversies—an­ other guarantee that payments will be made in full—and without the delay so often experienced in the administration of estates.


and a loved one can enjoy a GENEROUS, UNCHANGING INCOME

The story behind " Double Dividends" . . . N ot only are you assured o f a generous income for life with M oody annuities, but you also have the joy and satisfaction of knowing that your dollars are being used to help train missionaries, pastors and other Christian workers. Y ou will also have a share in M oody’s many other soul-winning ministries, including gospel-science films, radio and the world-wide distribution of gospel literature. Write today for free booklet giving the complete story on “ Double Dividends.”


Write: Annuity Department M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E

Dept. K -l-48-2


820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois Please send me, without obligation: □ “ Double Dividends,” the story ! of Moody annuity plan. □ “Where There’s a Will,” telling of steward- 1 ship in relation to wills. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Age -------------- I



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APRIL, 1961


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