King's Business - 1961-04

AFRICA TODAY! In Movies and Filmstrip

personal evangelism by Benjam in Weiss

GET STARTED I d o n o t seem to get started talking to other persons about Christ and the Christian life,” he said rather hesi­ tatingly. “ I meet people who are not professed Christians and feel that I should witness to them. I look for openings, but I just don’t seem to get started, and then the opportunity has escaped me.” During the conversation he said, “ I read my Bible every day. I have a reg­ ular time for prayer and often pray for unsaved persons I know. Occasion­ ally I pray for an opportunity to bring someone to Christ. But I don’t seem to get started.” He just didn’t seem to get started. How many Christians fit into this pattern? Weeks slip by without wit­ nessing to anyone. It may have been a long time since any serious effort was made to bring someone to Christ. It is possible that the prayer concern is as spotty as the actual witnessing. Only a casual mention may be made about one or several unsaved persons and then it is completely forgotten. W ill someone actually come and inquire about becoming a Christian? Yes, it may happen occasionally. Not too often, however. Is it not possible to find another person and tell him about the thrilling experiences of being a Christian and having personal contact with Christ? Is there a personal hindrance? Are we afraid of failing? Are we afraid that someone will laugh at our serious spiritual interest in others? There may even be a hidden fear of a rebuff by' an uninterested listener. Or it may even be fear that we will be shunned as overly pious. Whatever the cause, we just don’t get started. Have we forgotten Jesus’ reassuring words, “Lo, I am with you always” ? Could the foregoing illustrative con­ versation pertain to your situation? What can be done about it? You could go to your Lord and tell Him again with a serious earnestness that you are ready to follow His command to “ Go and Tell Others” about His won­ derful saving grace. All your timidity and fears could be brought to your Lord and surrendered to Him. You could ask Him for the strength not to fail again at the next opportunity to tell someone about Him. This is the way to get started. It will go on to a continuing spiritual conquest. Let’s get started!

The opportunity—and effect of the Gospel- on the explosive African continent—these you will find captured in vivid color i n . . . “ THAT TH ESE MAY KNOW” —thrilling close-up of PTL Nigerian cam­ paign and testimonies of African leaders. 16mm sound color film, 15 minutes. Free will offering.

“ THE GOOD SEED IN AFRICA” —a filmstrip that combines beautiful color photography of African animal life and scenic wonders with a dramatic story of the power of the Gospel to uproot age-old heathen practices. 48 frames, 13 minutes. $1.00 for filmstrip with printed script. $2.00 includes recorded narration.



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1961 marks our 25th year of broadcasting the gospel to Jews. Month-to-month giving by the Lord’s people keeps this vital message on the m COULSON shepherd , air. May we have your prayerful support? '\\Director. F orty years in ~ , , „ . . the G osvel M inistry. bend tor tree copy of our informative mag- « 11 .. .. azine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL.

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"WHERE TH ERE ’S A W ILL — TH ERE ’S A W AY ” Regardless of age or condition of health, every Christian should have a will which has been drawn up to legal specifications. BIOLA Field Representatives are quali­ fied to advise you in this most important matter. B I O L A F I E L D R E P R E S E N T A T ! VE S R. BRUCE BAILEY ...............................Northern Los Angeles and Kern Counties •• FINDLEY — Eastern Los Angeles, Riverside, & San Bernardino Counties rii/îpup ^ ..............................King and Pierce Counties, Washington EUGENE POOLE ......................Western Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, and San Luis Obispo Counties WATSON ...............................Orange, Imperial and San Diego Counties RAY C. WEISKOPF ....................................... East Los Angeles and Long Beach For a friendly call by a BIOLA Field Representative, write or call BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc., 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17

APRIL, 1961


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