book reviews
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by Arnold D . Ehlert Librarian, Biola Collega
INTRODUCTION TO PROPHECY by ELSA RAUD. Here is a simple clear guide to Bible Prophecy with outlines for further study and refer ence. $3.50
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redemptive program, but also His fu ture millennial reign and His final victory in the Eternal State. This three stage concept of the Kingdom leads the author to conclude that human history is divided into three basic ages: this present age, which stretches from creation to the second coming (parousia) of Christ; the Age to Come (evidently heaven, or eternity); and an overlapping of these two basic ages to form a millen nial reign of Christ on earth. To say the least, this is an oversimplification of what the Bible teaches and can hardly be accepted on the basis of a few scattered references and the mere statement that it is so. What of the crisis of Calvary? What of the passing of the Law and the inception of the Church? Ladd answers that there is also an overlapping of the Age to Come with the first period to form the Church Age. Such theological novel ties áre unsatisfying and are inade quate to meet the problems which do exist in respect to Church and King dom. Many readers will feel that the primary weakness of this book is its attempt to reduce the complex doc trine of the Kingdom to one simple formula or definition. Eternal life, the present spiritual Kingdom of God, and the future governmental reign of Christ are hardly interchangeable con cepts. In defending the theme that the Kingdom of God is “ the redemptive activity and rule of God in Christ” (p. 115), the author falls into the use of language which, if taken alone, would brand him as an amillennialist. The testimony of Matthew to the Kingdom is far out of proportion to the treat ment of other important passages, and reference to the Old Testament is es pecially scanty. While liberal author ities are mentioned, there is no refer ence to the extensive and worthy premillennial literature currently available. There are some ambiguous statements, some weakness in the area of definitions, and some conclusions which will sound strange to the aver age premillennial Bible student. Nevertheless, there is much in the book with which we can agree, espe cially the conclusion that our present task is world evangelism, which should be promoted vigorously in spite of the evil nature of the age. THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM is a stimulating study of a crucial theme, one which students of prophecy will read with interest and profit. 143 pages; cloth;
Introducing Christian Ethics By Henlee H. Barnette
Christian ethics has been taking a place of increasing importance in the thinking of Biblical scholars in recent years. Two aspects of the subject are usually developed: the theoretical and the practical. The f o r m e r is ap proached philosophically or Biblically, while the latter issues in personal and social directions. This book is divided into two parts: Principles and Prob lems. The former is a Biblical study of Old and New Testament contribu tions to the subject, while the latter takes up such problems as duties to self, marriage and the family, race relations, economic and political life. The author is on the faculty of South ern Baptist Theological Seminary. At tention is given to the psychological aspects of the subject, because “ ethics and psychology stand in need of each other to understand man more fully” (p. 7). The need for the work of the Holy Spirit is recognized, the Spirit saves the church from legalism and Antinomianism (p. 94). 176 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $3.75. The Gospel of the Kingdom By George E. Ladd This is Dr. Ladd’s most recent work on the important theme of the King dom. Written with excellent literary style, these studies were originally de livered as addresses in Bible Confer ence and pulpit. They are devotional and practical in nature, Biblical and expository in substance, and are in tended more as a proclamation of good news than as an orderly theological defense of the Kingdom concept visual ized by the author. Dr. Ladd is a premillennialist, and he sees clearly that “ the Kingdom is an inheritance which God will bestow upon His people when Christ comes in glory” (p. 17). However, he holds that the Kingdom is also “ a realm into which the followers of Jesus Christ have entered,” and above all, it is a “ present spiritual reality.” He dis misses with mere passing notice any possible difference between the phrases “ the Kingdom of God” and “ the King dom of Heaven,” and holds that the two terms, together with “ eternal life” and “ salvation” are all interchange able. Accordingly, the Kingdom of God is God’s sovereign reign, express ing itself in different stages through redemptive history. It is God’s present
by JOHN F. WALVOORD. This expo- sition of Philippians is an outgrowth of the Bible Conference ministry of the author. For general reading. $2.00
THE NEW BIRTH by HERMAN A. HOYT. The impor- tance, explanation, necessity and preciousness of the new birth are con vincingly presented by Dr. Hoyt. $2.50 INSIDE THE GATES by O. E. PHILLIPS. An excellent hand book for travelers to the Holy Land. Beautifully descriptive with pictures and maps. $3.50 DUNHAM Publishing Company "¡¡¡¡f" Subscriptions to: THE KING'S BUSINESS makes excellent gifts. f t month § materials O messages B io la Fellowship Plan
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