King's Business - 1961-04


Follow Me: Discipleship According to Saint Matthew By Martin H. Franzmann The author chooses seven major passages from the Gospel for exposi­ tion within the theme announced in the title. After discussing the calling of the disciple, (4:18-22; 1:1-4:16) he takes up in turn the Messianic mold­ ing of the disciple’s will, the disciple as missionary and martyr, the myster­ ies of the kingdom, fellowship, hope, and the relationship of the disciple to the death and resurrection of the Lord. The author’s style is spicy in a good sense (“ this sparce and lean simpli­ city of narrative . . . the imperiously royal grace of God. . . The miracle was for the first church a part of the dramatic chiaroscuro which m a d e clear the contours of Christ” ). There are other ways of approaching Mat­ thew’s Gospel, of course, but this is a legitimate one, and one that pays dividends in spiritual life. One does not have to agree with all of the doc­ trinal implications of the author to profit from his treatment. Dr. Franz­ mann is now professor of New Testa­ ment exegesis at Concordia Theologi­ cal Seminary in St. Louis, ix, 240 pages; cloth; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $3.50. WHY REVIVAL TARRIES by Leonard Raven- hill. 175 pages; cloth; Bethany Fellowship, 6820 Auto Club Road, Minneapolis 20; $2.00. A pro­ vocative tract designed to stir up a lethargic church and ministry to action. "Fire begets fire. If other combustible material is about, fire will only spread its kind" (p. 78). WHAT LANGUAGE SHALL I BORROW by Wil­ liam D. Streng. viii, 189 pages; cloth; Augsburg; $3.00. Thirty meditations on vital themes center­ ing around the Cross and devotion. The author is professor of Christian education at Wartburgh Theological Seminary and dean of Luther Academy in Dubuque, Iowa. THE CROSS STILL STANDS by Alfred Doerffler. 135 pages; cloth; Baker Book House; $2.50. Sixteen studies centering in the Cross. Various aspects of the subject include the inscription, the enemies, the prayers, the miracles, the claims, the blood, and the Redeemer of the Cross. The au­ thor is pastor emeritus of the Pilgrim Lutheran Church of St. Louis, a church which he served exactly fifty years. SUNDAY S C H O O L WORKERS' TRAINING COURSE No. 5 by Cecil B. Knight. 118 pages; cloth; Baker Book House; $1.75. This volume deals with keeping the Sunday School alive. It is meant as a manual for local training courses. WISER THAN THEY THOUGHT by V. Ray­ mond Edman. 142 pages; cloth; Scripture Press; $2.50. "This little volume endeavors to relate the Christmas story from uncommon angles, so that more clearly and graphically we may realize its wonder and its worth" (from the Introduction). Something of the dramatic has been captured by Dr. Edman here. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications)

Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.75. — Reviewed by Gerald B. Stanton.

The Gospel Miracles By Ronald S. Wallace

The miracles in the first three Gos­ pels are examined here with a view to determining their meaning for the Church today. While the preacher ap­ preciates the help in their interpreta­ tion from the near and remote past, he must “ expect guidance beyond that which is given him by the scholars, or the tradition of the Church.. . . In his mind and heart . . . the Easter mir­ acle must take place, of Christ opening the understanding and revealing Him­ self and His Word to His disciples through the Scriptures” (p. x). Some of these messages were preached as sermons; others were developed more substantially. This fresh approach will produce many new ideas for the dis­ cerning preacher. The author, who is a minister of the Church of Scotland, is one of the founders of the Scottish Church Theology Society and a direc­ tor of the Scottish Journal of Theology. 161 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $3.50. Here's How to Succeed There is a good deal of rugged sim­ plicity and sage advice in this book. The fact is that if anyone would fol­ low the advice given from the time he enters into productive work he would in a reasonable time be well off, bar­ ring some unusual circumstances or catastrophe. After a few preliminary chapters on Christian stewardship and the money question, the author takes up credit buying and automobile buy­ ing in particular. Then he outlines a plan for success in money matters. He calls it the 10-70-20 plan. After taking out the tithe and income tax the bal­ ance of the pay check is divided as follows: 10% for savings and invest­ ment, 70% for living expenses, and 20% for debts and a buffer fund. It takes only a little arithmetic to dis­ cover that after ten or twenty years of such a program, even with a 41/£% ‘safe’ rate of interest, one would have a substantial estate. With a little suc­ cess in investments this could become quite astonishing. Don’t wait until you get out of debt, start now, the author says, and he is right. The Lord will bless that kind of a program. The author is a Canadian who is active in a number of Christian projects of writ­ ing and publishing. 191 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $3.00. With Your Money George M. Bowman

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APRIL, 1961

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