King's Business - 1961-04

BIOLA NEWS by Miriam Jean Seger

t o w n a n d c a m p u s

"JESUS SHALL REIGN" THEME OF CURRENT MISSIONARY CONFERENCE At least fifty missionaries are ex­ pected to be on the Biola campus this month during the annual missionary conference. Key speakers developing the theme “ Jesus Shall Reign” will be heard during the morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Austin Paul, of the Africa Inland Mission; Phil Arm­ strong, executive secretary for the Far East Gospel Crusade; Doreen Shaw, of the Japan Evangelistic Band; and David Morken, v i c e president of World Vision and Orient director will be included as principle speakers along with Dick Hillis, founder and director of Orient Crusades, and Norm Nelson, of World Vision, who will be in charge of the music program. Special features of the conference will be the men’s missionary break­ fast, youth night, and the annual Student Missionary Union banquet. BIOLA COLLEGE RECEIVES ACCREDITATION Biola College was recently admitted to membership in the Western College Association, according to an announce­ ment made by President, Dr. S. H.

Sutherland. M e m b e r s h i p in the W.C.A. carries with it full accredita­ tion, a goal toward which Biola has been striving for the past twelve years. BIOLA BIBLE AND MISSIONARY CONFERENCE TOUR Planned for the latter part of April and the first week in May, is the Biola B i b l e and Missionary Conference Tour of Europe and the Bible lands. Those going on the tour will spend 21 wonderful days with Evangelical leaders including: Dr. Louis T. Tal­ bot, chancellor of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.; Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, director of the Talbot The­ ological Seminary; and Dr. Oran H. Smith, director of the Department of Missions at Biola. Leaving Los Angeles on April 14, 1961, the group will proceed to Lon­ don, Paris, Athens, Cairo, Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, Tiberias, Tel- Aviv, Rome, Geneva, and Amsterdam. The main interest of the trip will center around the important things of the Holy Land. An examination of the actual scenes of Biblical events, a s t u d y of archaeological discoveries which illuminate the Bible, and a view of the Holy Land customs and geography will serve to make the trip a truly valuable experience.

BIOLA COLLEGE GAINS TWO NEW FACULTY MEMBERS Joining the Biola College family this spring as new faculty members

are Mr. Del Kehl and Mr. Sherwood Cole. Mr. Kehl, a graduate of Bob Jones University, received his Mas­ ter’s degree at the University of Wis­ consin. Now teach­ ing in the English department at Bi-

Mr. Kehl ola, he formerly taught in a Pasadena high school and has worked with Gospel Light Publi­ cations. Mr. Cole, Psy­ chology d e p a r t ­ ment, received his Bachelor of Arts degree at the Uni­ versity of Califor­ nia at Santa Bar­ bara and his Mas­ ter’s degree at the University of Cali­ fornia at Los An­ geles. He, his wife and their six-year-old child are living in La Mirada.


department at Biola College. Accom­ panying the group is Mr. Willis Toms, Director of Admissions.

rado churches on their annual spring tour this month, according to Mr. Marvin McKissick, head of the music

Forty members of the Biola Chorale are giving concerts in various Califor­ nia, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colo­



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