King's Business - 1961-04

Peoplem Dr. Charles C. Ryrie, president of the Philadelphia College of the Bible will announce the winner of the annual tuition scholarship essay contest at commencement exercises, June 3rd. Essays entitled “ The Bible: the Cen­ ter of All True Education” were sub­ mitted earlier this spring by high school juniors and seniors. Rev. William J. Jones, editor of the American Sun­ day School Union publications and secretary of the board of trustees of the college, is chairman of the panel of judges which will select the win­ ning essay. Major changes have been made, ef­

Get Your FREE Copy LEADER'S GUIDE of Herald Summer Bible School NEW 1961 THEME "THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD" This unique and widely used VBS senes contains the same sounds closely graded permanent materials as before. Your Leader's Guide contains the theme song, explanation of the theme, ten devotions, suggested closing program, description of each grade's material, buyer's guide, and much other helpful information, includ­ ing information on filmstrips. The Herald Summer Bible School Series is Christ-centered in purpose, Bible-cen­ tered in content, child-centered in ap­ proach, experience-centered in method,

ates of Bible Colleges generally achieve a scholastic rating equal to those coming from liberal arts col­ leges and universities. Seminary students with a back­ ground of a Christian liberal arts or Bible college do better work than those with a secular education with little or no emphasis on theological preparation. Dr. Hugh R. Murchison, investment

banker and stock broker, was hon­ ored recently after being re - elected president of the Los Angeles Union Rescue M is s io n Board of Directors for the twentieth consecutive year. A year ago he was

fective with the summer q u a r t e r in the Scripture P ress S u n d a y School take -home paper, “My Coun­ sellor” and “ Pow­ er,” according to James A. Adair, edi­ tor of the papers. “My Counsellor”

and evangelistic in emphasis. Have the most successful vacation Bible school of your, experience with this dynamic , course, which confronts each pupil with the living Christ. A C T TODAY1 Leader’s Guide Free on Request HERALD PRESS Dept. KB Scottdale, Pa.

Dr. Murchison, awarded an honor­ ary Doctor of Laws degree by Jackson College of Honolulu, Hawaii, for his efforts in helping the needy. Dr. Paul M. Stevens, well known Bap­ tist radio personality, presents a plan “ to win the world to peace” in a new book entitled T H E ULTIMATE WEAPON . . . CHRISTIANITY, pub­ lished by Thomas Nelson & Sons. According to Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., pres­ ident of Bob Jones University, a new 5,000 watt transmitter will be in­ stalled at Radio station WMUU next month. Approval of the power in­ crease was received recently from the Federal Coknmunications Commission Dr. R a y m o n d Knighton, executive director o f t h e Christian Medical S o c i e t y , Dr. G. Hemwall, P h y s i ­ cian - surgeon i n Chicago, and Dr. C. Everett Koop, pro­ fessor of surgery at the University o f Pennsylvania recently completed a six-week survey trip in Africa. Approximately 1000 delegates, rep­ resenting more than 700 churches will convene this month in Chicago for the 32nd annual convention of Inde­ pendent Fundamental Churches of America, according to the Rev. Glen A. Lehman, national executive secre­ tary of the organization. in Washington. Dr. Knighton

James A. Adair. will take on the shortened form of the name, “ Coun­ selor,” and will feature cartoons en­ titled “True Adventure” by Vernon Rieck, formerly with Walt Disney Studios. “ Power” will be offered in two editions . . . one for teens, the other for adults. Dr. Tom Malone, pastor of the Eman­ uel Baptist Church of Pontiac, Michi­ gan, and president of Midwestern Baptist Seminary, won first place in the seventh annual Evangelistic Ser­ mon Contest sponsored by THE SWORD OF THE LORD of Wheaton, Illinois, according to Dr. John R. Rice, editor.

SUMMER . . . always pleasant and profitable at WH E A T O N

Liberal arts and science courses are offered on Whea­ ton Campus, Black Hills Sci­ ence Station, S .D ., and Honey Rock, Wisconsin. Air- conditioned library and sci­ ence hall; well equipped labo­ ratories. Special work in teacher training. Graduate School of Theology, and Con­ servatory of Music; also In­ stitute of Missions.


ATTEND 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 OR 10 WEEKS Free Tuition to pastors, full-time Christian workers, and alumni for the Inter-Sessions, June 13 to 23. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN Write: Director of Summer School. Dept. 41-K WHEATON COLLEGE • Wheaton, III ìm ìs

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A progressive Gospel work among Jews in the cities of middle-west and south-east U.S. and Jerusalem. Special Broadcast to the State of Israel from ELWA in Liberia and Trans-World Radio, Monaco daily. You too can be an active missionary. Send for free tracts and A.M.F. Monthly. Milton B. Lindberg Archie A. MocKinnoy General Director Superintendent 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, Illinois

Dr. S. A. Witmer, executive director of the Accrediting Association of Rible Colleges, announced after a recent sur­ vey of seminary students that gradu-



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