King's Business - 1961-04

MR. AMEN Continued from page 41

After the complex life of America, all one has to do to get a good lesson on the simplicity of life is to go to Orchid Island. We found their homes built on two levels. The lower level at the rear entrance was a mud floor and was called the work room. The upper level was of wooden slabs and was four feet above the lower room. On this level, the Yamis sleep, eat, and tell stories. There is no furniture in the house, just a cauldron set on stones in the work room. For clothing, the men wear only G-strings and the women wear just a small loin cloth. For festive occasions, they put on beads, do up their hair in a high, off-the-forehead style, and if possible, they wear bright red jackets. It was a real joy for us to move into each village and to see the fruit of Dwana Yen’s ministry. He had taught many to read, and each village had a tiny thatched church with a wooden cross tied above the front doorway. The number of Christians is yet small, but they are sincere. It was heart- moving to see them give their dried fish as an offering. This is the only thing they could give, for they have no currency or money of any kind. Nothing stirred me so much as to see a lone woman missionary living just as the Yamis live. She believed that they must have their own language put in print. Her desire was to aid Mr. Amen in his work of evangelism and teaching. This could only be done, she knew, when she could reduce the Yami language to writing, and in turn, translate the Word of God into their tongue. After several wonderful days of preaching to these simple, humble people, we had to make for our boat and to head back to Formosa. As we chugged slowly back across the forty- four miles of open sea, I asked each member of the team what had im­ pressed them the most. Hans replied that it was thrilling to see the way God had first burdened, and then used a simple, untrained national mis­ sionary to reach a strange tribe. Bill Lee almost took the words out of my mouth when he said, “When I saw that American woman living there, I felt like shouting to the men of Amer­ ica, ‘What’s the matter? Are you cow­ ards? This is a man’s job!’ ” “Yes,” I said, “ and when God could not find an American, He found a “Mr. Amen.” This is one of hundreds of tribes yet waiting for men so willing to go, so surrendered to God, and so given to prayer, that those among whom they carry the Gospel will nickname them, “Mr. Amen.”

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