King's Business - 1961-04

Pastors, Sunday School Teachers, Missionaries, Students, Office Workers, Busy Christians . . . REASONS WHY you should enroll in MOODY Bible Institute’s Summ er Schoo l TWO THRIC-WtCK SISSIONS! June 19-Ju ly 7 - J u l y 10-Ju ly 28

Only MBI offers a summer school with all of these advantages: | LOW CO S T . .. because TUITION is FREE. ® Board and room may be had for as low as $20 a week. The only other expense is the student benefit fee of $3.50 for health service and post office.

tural centers, the great stores, all are within easy distance of the Institute. TIMING . . . two 3-week sessions, June 19 to July 7 and July 10 to July 28. You may en­ roll in one or both. Timed right for most va­ cations, which means that you may combine concentrated study with relaxation. And ¡when you think of it, at an unbelievably small expense. ATMOSPHERE . . . Recognized Moody train­ ing in pleasant surroundings, and a wealth of fellowship with Christians from many places and many Protestant denominations. PRACTICAL WORK . . . optional but encour- "

f t COURSE OF STUDY . . . More than 50 ac- * credited Bible subjects to choose from, care­ fully chosen to fit the needs of Christians in all walks of life. Sessions will also feature workshops in Christian Education, Mission­ ary Literature, Church Musid, Audio-Visuals, and a seminar for Deans of Women. FACULTY . . . Outstanding Bible teachers, Christian educators, and gospel musicians. LOCATION . . . in the heart of Chicago, most accessible of cities, and world-famed as a summer vacationland. Parks, beaches, cul­

aged, because Chicago presents many oppor­ tunities for assignments to witness in mis­ sions, jails, hospitals and street meetings. Perhaps this is just the opportunity for which you’ve been looking. It’s a wonderful idea to combine study with vacation, and we suggest you not pass it up.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IN T E R D E N O M IN A T IO N A L MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE William Culbertson, president • S. Maxwell Coder, dean 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois Please send me Summer Name School folder, catalog and application papers. Address. •

E V A N G E L I C A L -------------------------

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Application papers must be mailed back at least ten days before the opening of session you plan to attend.



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