King's Business - 1961-04

B I 0 LA I S A C C R ED IT ED ! A MESSAGE from the editor On Friday, February 24, 1961, BI0LA College was ad­ mitted to membership in the Western College Association. Membership in the W.C.A. carries with it full accredita­ tion, a goal toward which BI0LA has been striving for the past twelve years. The goal has been achieved only through a most thorough program of academic development both in the areas of raising our standards and at the same time increasing the liberal arts offering in the curriculum to provide a sufficiently well-rounded liberal arts


training. This has been ac­ complished without sacri­ ficing to any degree what­ soever the spiritual em­ phases which have charac­ terized BI0LA throughout its history. Courses in the study of the Word of God are still absolutely central in the program of each stu­ dent, regardless of his lib­ eral arts major. Being also a member of the Accrediting Association of Bible Col­ leges, BI0LA requires as much Bible training as is required by the Association of any other Bible Institute or Bible College in the country. Supplementing the Bible college program with

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a liberal arts program that is sufficiently broad to ful­ fill the requirements of the Western College Association means that the two programs have been fused into one curri­ culum, thus making BI0LA College an institution of higher learning with a completely unique and distinctive type of program. The significance of this development can best be ex­ plained by describing what accreditation does not mean and also what it does mean. (1) It does not mean that BI0LA has deviated in the least from its original purpose, namely, to provide a thorough training in the Word of God for the young people who come hare to study. (2) It does not mean that BI0LA has become merely a lib­ eral arts college, but rather that BI0LA has become a completely distinctive institution of higher learning, combining the essential features of a Bible college and those of a liberal arts college. (3) It does not mean that we at BI0LA consider that we have achieved the ultimate goals, either spiritual­ ly or academically. Rather, we are challenged to advance to even greater accomplishments in our whole school life, all for the purpose of giving our stu­ dents the most thorough training possible and then sending them out with zeal, determination, and knowledge adequate to meet the needs of the world of today and to proclaim the unsearchable riches of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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