Accreditation does mean that: ( 1 ) A. The classroom work that is offered at BIOLA is definitely of a collegiate standard. B. The faculty is academically equipped to teach the material in the classrooms. C. The library meets at least the minimal standards required for adequate research in the areas of fered in the curriculum. D. The physical plant is of sufficient size and quality to allow the students to do acceptable collegiate work. In the future under-graduates who desire to trans fer, and graduates who desire further training, will be able to secure the maximum amount of transfer credit for the work they have accomplished at BIOLA, especially in the liberal arts areas. (It should be noted that transfer of Bible subjects credit will continue to be on a very limited basis because the average liberal arts college or university does not offer comparable subjects in its curriculum.) BIOLA will become eligible to apply for membership in the Association of American Colleges, the Ameri can Association of University Professors, the Ameri can Association of University Women, and other pro fessional and educational organizations. These contacts should serve to enrich our own academic efficiency and stature and at the same time afford us an opportunity for a definite Christian witness. Whenever high school students contact their ad visors and are asked where they plan to attend col lege they will not be advised against BIOLA because "it is not accredited." A degree from BIOLA College will be accepted by any government in the free world where missionaries are allowed to work. It will make possible the future establishment of a nurses' training course leading to the R.N. de gree. (This course has been impossible to implement because, by State law, only accredited schools can offer such a program. This means that our graduates who become registered nurses will have a thorough Bible training which will be invaluable to them as they labor as missionaries in various areas of the free world.) It reveals to the world that it is entirely possible for an institution of higher learning to be academi cally acceptable and at the same time to give proper emphasis to the study of God's Word and to proclaim its eternal truths to a world lost in sin. It will make possible the employment of qualified BIOLA graduates in public service positions. It means that there must be raised up a larger num ber of friends of BIOLA than we have ever had before who will be willing to get under the financial load of the school in order that we might be able to main tain, and where possible, to develop to a greater ex tent, these objectives which have just been reached. This new day in the life and development of BIOLA demands increasing prayer and increasing interest on the part of an ever-increasing number of the Lord's people. ( 2 ) (3) (4) (5) ( 6 )
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( 8 )
O )
Samuel H. Sutherland, LL.D. President, Biola College
APRIL, 1961
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