Imagine you want to order pizza and the DoorDash site tells you that you need to wait 24 hours before delivery. Would you order dinner for tomorrow instead or look elsewhere? There’s no pizza craving in the world that can be predicted a day in advance. More than ever before, the longer a customer has to wait for a decision or an outcome, the quicker the customer will look to the competition. On the flipside, a customer who choses your brand and has a great experience is more likely to become a repeat buyer. The average buyer is loyal to a business that gets right to the heart of their needs and provides that ‘smooth’ experience. Let’s face it – financial paperwork isn’t fun. We want to detour to avoid the long, drawn-out dealership meetings, uncomfortable chairs and bad coffee while we wait to see if we’ve been approved or not. Instant gratification technology is everywhere we look, with the option for customization at our fingertips. Look at the cult-like following for subscription/membership apps like Audible, Amazon Prime, HelloFresh, Peleton and BarkBox. These platforms satisfy our human instinct to be treated like individuals and not a number, and to get what we want instantly without a lot of red tape. And there are few processes more adorned with red tape than buying or leasing a car.
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