The Provenir Cloud Suite is capable of supporting any lending requirements scaled to any size. With Data Cloud + Marketplace, you can access rich global data sources quickly and easily, virtually eliminating the data integration and aggregation struggle. Connecting new data sources in minutes, you can have everything you need at your disposal to support both regional and global strategies. With data integration in hand, Provenir’s Decisioning Cloud lets you make smarter decisions, faster. Those instant credit checks and approvals are made possible by the ability of the Decisioning Cloud to tackle virtually any risk decisioning or analytics workflow. Now you have lightning-fast credit checks and approvals (and happy customers) – but what’s next? Provenir’s Insights Cloud offers real-time data to identify innovation opportunities. By pulling decisioning, performance and third-party data into one centralized location, Insights Cloud tests predictions before deployment so you can innovate faster than Netflix chooses your next recommended show. A leading global provider of financing solutions through auto dealerships processes 500,000 loan and 75,000 lease applications per month using Provenir, with decisions on loans arriving in mere seconds. More importantly, the decision and risk checks arrive without the need for a massive, multi-level support staff. For any applications that require further underwriting, approvals can be expedited in as little as eight minutes. JiffyPop popcorn took longer to expand. Expedient approvals enable dealers to deliver units on the spot, completing the financing process at the dealership before the customer even has to take off their jacket.
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