Not-so-light reading in policing report
drives the cost for police services, from manpower and equipment to facilities and extras. It examines all the things that police do, from regular patrols and investigations to court work reports and community pro- motional events. “He (Leuprecht” thinks that policing should be done at the core level,” said Sté- phane Parisien, UCPR chief administrator. Once they and their council members have had a chance to read through the report, mayors in Prescott-Russell will be able to refer to it when they talk to provin- cial election candidates and any party lea- ders passing through the area on campaign prior to next month’s provincial election. Counties council directed Parisien to pre- pare a resolution of support for the report for the May regular session. “We’re going to be asking all parties‘What are you willing to do to reduce emergency (service) costs?’” said Parisien.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
L’ORIGNAL | The mayors and council mem- bers in Prescott-Russell have some heavy reading to do very fast. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) council found a report from the MacDonald-Laurier Institute (MLI) in their agenda package for the May 14 committee of the whole session. The report, The Blue Line or the Bottom Line of Police Services in Canada? By Christian Leuprecht, deals with the rapid rise in policing costs throughout the country and how it affects local protec- tion service for municipalities. “Despite rapidly rising costs, Canadians are not getting all the police they pay for,”Leuprecht stated in his report. The 30-plus-page report looks at what L’ORIGNAL | The United Counties is giv- ing some serious thought to an idea for a fire fighter training facility located in Clar- ence-Rockland. Such a facility would include a building designed to allow ignition of controlled fires for live-practice training drills in rescue and extinguishing. Estimated cost for such a facility, including design, construction, and allocation of counties land for the site is about $1.5 million.
Fire training centre study
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